US government-funded ‘private social network’ targets pesticide critics

In 2017, two United Nations ‍experts called for a treaty to regulate dangerous ​pesticides ‌due ⁢to their potential​ health risks. ‌The​ pesticide industry dismissed these concerns. However, derogatory profiles ‍of the⁤ UN experts were found on an online portal for pesticide company‌ employees and allies. This portal contained personal information about individuals who opposed the industry, including activists and journalists.

The investigation into this matter was⁤ conducted by Lighthouse Reports in collaboration⁤ with several⁣ international media partners. It⁤ revealed that a reputation management firm called⁣ v-Fluence played a significant role in downplaying pesticide ​dangers ⁢and‌ discrediting opponents.⁤ The firm received‌ funding from the US government and collaborated with major agrochemical companies ​like Syngenta.

v-Fluence created a private social network called Bonus Eventus, which included executives from agrochemical companies, government officials,‍ and policymakers. The platform aimed ‍to counter resistance against pesticides and genetically modified crops⁢ while undermining organic⁤ farming methods.

The investigation also uncovered v-Fluence’s involvement in Africa, particularly Kenya.​ They ‌worked to promote pro-GM crop messaging in Africa and undermine conferences discussing ‌hazardous pesticides.​ Emails revealed discussions among Bonus Eventus members on how to neutralize negative messaging about pesticides.

Furthermore, v-Fluence allegedly helped Syngenta create false or misleading‌ online ‍content about paraquat herbicides’ safety while suppressing negative information through search engine⁣ optimization techniques.

The article ‍also mentioned v-Fluence’s contract with White⁤ House Writers Group (WHWG) for services ⁢related to​ undermining Europe’s⁢ Farm to Fork policy that aimed to reduce pesticide use by 50% by 2030.

These revelations have raised concerns‌ about corporate espionage and the US government’s‌ association with v-Fluence. Experts⁤ argue that ​such ‌coordination is alarming given ​USDA’s involvement.

Bonus Eventus remains active as it recently alerted its members about this investigative⁣ reporting project before its ​publication date.

This story was produced in collaboration with Lighthouse Reports along with other international media partners such as Africa ​Uncensored (Kenya), New Lede (US), Le Monde (France), The Continent (South Africa),⁣ The ​New Humanitarian (Switzerland), ABC News (Australia), and The Wire‌ News (India).


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