Improving Australia’s System to Assist Wrongfully Detained Citizens Abroad: HRW

A global human ⁤rights organization, Human Rights Watch (HRW), has raised concerns about​ Australia’s lack of a system to identify ‍cases of wrongful detention of‌ its citizens.⁣ During a Senate inquiry hearing on September 26, HRW Australian Director Daniela Gavshon highlighted the need for improvement in this area.⁣ Gavshon acknowledged that each case is unique and there ‍is no ​one-size-fits-all approach, but‌ emphasized the importance of having a system in⁣ place ‍to immediately identify these ‍cases. Currently, such cases are ​treated as‌ ordinary consular cases without clear processes for​ proper handling even if they are ⁣later ‍identified.

Another issue​ raised by HRW is the ​lack of government support for individuals who‍ have been released from wrongful detention. Gavshon stated that these individuals often do not receive adequate ‌rehabilitation or‍ reintegration support, which‌ can lead to difficulties in accessing basic services like banking ‍or other government services.

Staff turnover was also identified as a problem affecting how these cases ‍are handled. The rotation of staff handling the cases results in families feeling passed around between different consular ‍officials and significant time lost during transitions.⁤ To address this issue, ⁢HRW suggests creating a special role or ‍senior‍ staff position responsible for coordinating rescue efforts and providing ⁣continuity.

In related testimony before the Senate Committee, a former British journalist revealed that ⁢over 10,000 foreigners remain in China’s prison system under⁢ the⁢ Chinese Communist Party. ​He emphasized ‌that not a single Australian prisoner has​ had ⁣a fair and ⁣transparent trial and many​ prisoners are suffering from dire⁤ health⁤ conditions‌ due to prolonged detention.

These concerns highlight the need for Australia to establish an effective system for identifying‍ wrongful detentions promptly and ⁢providing ‌appropriate support to​ those affected by such situations.


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