Concerns Rise as Chinese App Talkie Gains US Popularity

Talkie,⁢ a Chinese-developed app, has⁢ become⁣ increasingly popular in the United States,‌ following in the footsteps of TikTok and Temu. However, there are growing concerns about data ⁤theft and the influence of Chinese tech companies on‌ the Western world. Some experts believe that Talkie’s rapid expansion into Western markets is supported by the Chinese‍ Communist Party ​(CCP),‌ and that the app may carry hidden factors ‌related to China’s unrestricted war against the West.

Talkie was launched ‌just over a year ago as a conversational AI platform that allows ​users​ to interact with virtual characters ​through‍ the app.⁣ These characters include celebrities like Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, and Elon Musk, all powered by artificial intelligence ⁢to provide users with a natural conversation-like⁣ experience. reports that Talkie ranked among the top six entertainment apps ⁣on ‌Apple’s ‍app store in July, indicating ⁣its increasing popularity among US smartphone users. However, similar to other Chinese-developed apps, concerns have been raised regarding data privacy‌ and security.

Experts‌ have warned about the CCP’s influence ​over Chinese companies like Talkie and its implications for ⁤Western countries.⁣ The CCP’s unrestricted war against the West aims to undermine Western values while engaging in espionage and cyberattacks.‍ Some experts suggest that apps like Talkie ⁣could be used as tools‌ to collect data on US ⁣citizens⁣ for advancing⁤ Chinese interests while posing significant threats to national security.

Furthermore, there is ‌unease due to lack of ⁤transparency and regulation of Chinese tech companies. The US government has taken ⁤measures to limit Chinese companies’ ⁢influence on US technology and data by banning ⁤TikTok and WeChat from ⁣US app stores through​ President Trump’s executive order.

The rising trend of‍ popular Chinese-developed apps gaining traction in the US has sparked worries about data privacy ‌and security.‌ While many users enjoy unique experiences offered by​ apps like Talkie, experts caution against allowing access to sensitive information by Chinese companies due to potential consequences ⁤it may‍ entail.


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