Filming Kenya’s age-old land dispute: the challenge of portraying both sides

The Laikipia plateau in Kenya is a wildlife conservation haven and a popular ⁢safari destination that ​is ‌home to ⁣Africa’s big five animals. However, there has been‍ an ongoing conflict between ⁣the Indigenous pastoralist ⁤communities and long-established white farmers that has largely ⁤gone unnoticed by the international community. The Battle for Laikipia, a documentary film directed⁣ by Peter Murimi and Daphne Matziaraki, aims to shed light on this conflict‌ and the ‌delicate⁢ balance it represents. The film ⁤explores how climate change has exacerbated tensions ‍in recent years.

During the making of⁤ the film, Murimi ⁣and‍ Matziaraki⁤ discovered ⁢that there was a lack of understanding and empathy between the different groups involved in the conflict. This lack of connection, ‍along with a refusal ​to⁢ acknowledge historical context, has contributed to escalating violence.⁤ Climate change ​has further intensified these tensions as pastoralists are forced onto land ⁣owned ‍by white‍ farmers due to their desperate ⁢need for grazing areas.

The filmmakers faced challenges in gaining trust from both sides of the conflict. Many residents were initially suspicious of their motives, ‌especially when they learned that they were also speaking‌ with their‍ enemies. However, through⁢ perseverance and maintaining ethical boundaries, Murimi and Matziaraki ‌were able ‌to capture intimate moments from both perspectives.

The main characters⁤ in the film include Simeon, a Samburu cattle herder representing the pastoralist community, as⁢ well as ⁣three white landowners who ‍live more privileged lives. The contrast ‌between these​ two groups highlights not only their different lifestyles but also their conflicting interests regarding ‍land ownership.

The legacy of ‌British colonialism plays ‌a significant role in⁣ this conflict as well. Land ownership remains unchanged since⁤ Kenya gained independence in 1963, with little effort from the ⁢government ⁣to find a ​resolution. Both sides have ​resorted to⁢ violence at times.

Filming for The Battle for ⁤Laikipia took​ place over five years ​amidst challenging ⁢logistical conditions such ⁢as drought cycles and remote ⁣locations. Despite ⁢these difficulties,​ Murimi found⁣ it humbling to have had this opportunity.

this documentary ⁤aims to challenge ⁢viewers’ perceptions ⁣about complex issues like land ownership ‍while highlighting the importance of empathy and understanding across different communities.


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