The Bloody and Horrifying Conflict in Sudan: Alternative Approaches to Ending It

The world is currently facing three major wars, each ⁤with devastating death tolls. The Russia-Ukraine war has claimed over 200,000 lives‌ in just​ two and a half years, mostly soldiers. In the Hamas attack and subsequent Israeli assault ​on Gaza, approximately 43,000 deaths have been recorded, predominantly civilians. However, a Lancet article suggests ⁢that the actual toll in Gaza‌ could be as high as 186,000 due to the ‍destruction of‌ public infrastructure.

The Sudanese civil war began last year and estimates of the⁤ death toll vary greatly. Medics in the region believe that between 20,000 and a horrifying 150,000 people have ⁢been killed. Over two decades in⁤ South⁢ Sudan and Darfur combined, an estimated 2 million deaths occurred. Since April 2023 alone, ​more than 7 million Sudanese have been⁤ displaced from their homes and are now facing starvation in the desert.

While there is significant international attention on Ukraine and Gaza ⁤with countries providing weapons and aid to ⁣different sides of these conflicts; Sudan seems to be largely ignored ‍by comparison. The question arises: do we care enough about Sudan to take⁤ action beyond mere⁤ words?

A recent documentary‌ on BBC Four titled “Corridors of Power: Should America Police the World?” sheds light on eight instances of US involvement in ⁤global⁣ conflicts since the end of the Cold War.⁣ Three‍ cases were based in Africa – Rwanda, Libya, and Darfur ‌–⁤ where US intervention was called for but fell⁤ short.

The documentary ‌features interviews with key figures present at White House meetings during these ​conflicts such as Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. It highlights how often US interventions⁢ lacked a clear strategy or long-term plan ‍for what would happen after military involvement.

In some cases like Kuwait and Bosnia-Herzegovina interventions were successful; however Libya and Somalia proved ⁤unsuccessful ⁤endeavors for US interventionism.​ Non-intervention during Rwanda’s ⁤genocide or Darfur’s⁢ crisis appeared callous at⁢ best.

The documentary emphasizes that demanding action without specifying what should be done or by what right it should be done is not enough. It also raises questions about ⁢whether certain ⁣conflicts directly affect US security or commercial interests before deciding whether to intervene.

In May ​last ‍year when Saudi Arabia joined ​forces with ‍the US to broker a ‌ceasefire ⁤between warring factions in Sudan it only lasted days before collapsing again highlighting ‍how difficult⁤ it can be to find lasting ⁢solutions amidst civil or ⁤border wars.

Amidst all this despairing ⁢news from conflict zones like Sudan there is still hope for relief efforts aimed at alleviating human‌ suffering even if broader political solutions seem elusive at present.


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