Japan’s Prime Minister Ishiba condemns any unilateral attempt to change the status quo by force at ASEAN+3

At ⁢the Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus Three summit, Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba emphasized that any attempt to change the status⁢ quo through force or coercion is unacceptable. Although not explicitly mentioned, his ‍statement was directed towards ​China’s‌ actions in the region. The⁢ meeting​ included Japan, China, South Korea, and ASEAN members.

Chinese Premier ⁤Li ‌Qiang also ‌addressed the ⁣issue of external ⁤interference, likely referring to the United States. The aggressive maritime ⁣expansion‍ by China in both the East and South China‌ Seas is a shared concern among countries in the⁢ region.

Prime Minister Ishiba ⁢stressed the importance of maintaining a free ⁢and open​ international‌ order⁣ based on the rule of law for regional ‍stability⁣ and prosperity. He called for cooperation among nations to address ‍this issue.

On the⁣ other hand, Premier Li expressed concerns about strengthening cooperation ‍between⁣ the United States ⁢and other countries. He‌ argued that Asian affairs should be handled by Asians themselves through consultation and ‌that Asia’s future ⁣should be firmly controlled by ‍its own ⁣people.

In ​addition to these discussions, Prime Minister⁢ Ishiba ⁢also highlighted the⁢ need for immediate resolution on North Korea’s abductions issue. Cooperation among nations is crucial in addressing this matter effectively.

these statements reflect ongoing tensions and ⁤differing perspectives within East ‌Asia regarding regional security issues and external ⁤involvement.


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