Yomiuri Survey: Majority of Japanese Support Originator Profile Introduction and Expect New Tech to Reduce Disinformation

A‌ recent nationwide survey‌ conducted by The Yomiuri Shimbun revealed‌ that 90% ​of respondents ​believe that ​the introduction of Originator Profile (OP) technology should be promoted. OP is⁣ a technology ‌designed to identify the disseminators of‍ information ‌on articles ​and advertisementsonline. Only 6% of respondents disagreed with its promotion.

The survey⁢ also found that 89% of⁢ respondents feel uneasy about the spread of disinformation ​online, while⁤ only 8% do not share this concern. Interestingly, among those who feel ‍uneasy, 93%​ believe that the ​introduction⁢ of OP should⁣ be⁤ facilitated, along ⁣with 76%⁣ of ​those who do not feel uneasy.

When ​asked ​about their expectations for OP being introduced, ⁣respondents provided multiple answers. The ​majority (61%) expressed hope that it would help curb ‌the‍ dissemination of​ disinformation and extremist information. Additionally,‌ 55% believed it would⁣ make it⁤ easier to⁢ find⁣ reliable information, while 52% thought⁣ it‌ would encourage disseminators to ‌put out correct information more diligently.

The OP Collaborative Innovation⁣ Partnership, consisting of media organizations and other entities, plans to implement ‌OP in practical use⁤ by 2025. In‌ June, they​ released ‍the OP Charter‍ which‌ outlines the basic principles for this ‌technology and defines it as ​an indicator for judging ⁤authenticity and reliability.

This⁤ survey was conducted ahead of Newspaper Week which commences on Tuesday. The Yomiuri Shimbun ⁢surveyed​ a total ⁤of 3,000 eligible voters across Japan from August 20th to September 26th. Out of these participants, a total of 2,025 ⁤individuals responded to the survey.


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