TEPCO Concludes 5th Round of Treated Water Discharge for FY 2024

Tokyo Electric‍ Power Company Holdings Inc. announced on Monday that it has completed the fifth ⁤round of discharges of tritium-containing ​treated water from its Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant‌ into the ocean for fiscal 2024. In this latest operation, approximately ⁣7,800 tons of‍ water, which had​ been diluted with ‍seawater, ​was released ⁢about ​1 kilometer ‌offshore through an undersea tunnel. This marks the ninth round ​of discharges since⁤ TEPCO began releasing the treated⁣ water in August last year. Two more discharges are planned for the current fiscal year ending in March.

To ensure safety, TEPCO, along with the government and other organizations, regularly monitors tritium concentrations in seawater samples ⁤and fishery products collected near the⁣ plant. It is important to note that these levels have consistently remained well below Japanese safety‌ standards.

The Fukushima ‍No. 1 nuclear power⁤ plant continues to accumulate radioactive ​water as⁢ TEPCO ‍works to cool down the damaged reactors resulting ⁢from the⁤ triple meltdown in ⁤March‍ 2011. Before being discharged‌ into the ocean, this water undergoes treatment‌ using specialized equipment provided by TEPCO.

By adhering to ‍strict safety measures and closely monitoring ​tritium levels in both seawater ⁢and fishery products near the plant site, TEPCO aims to ensure that any⁤ potential impact on marine life⁢ or⁤ public health ⁤remains minimal.

As part of ongoing ​efforts‌ to address this issue responsibly and transparently, TEPCO will continue its regular updates regarding future discharges of treated water from Fukushima⁤ No. 1‍ nuclear power plant into​ the ⁤ocean.


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