Scientists successfully convert methane hydrate into usable fuel

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists have successfully⁣ turned gas ‍from methane hydrate into fuel for the first time. Methane hydrate, also ⁤known as “fire ice,” is a frozen substance that traps methane gas inside water molecules. This discovery is a ​significant step⁣ forward in finding new ways⁢ to create⁤ energy.

Researchers ⁢from Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial ‍Science and Technology (AIST) have found a way to extract ‌gas ⁢from methane hydrate and convert it into fuel. Dr. ⁤Ryo Matsumoto, a ⁤scientist from AIST,​ believes ​that this breakthrough opens up new possibilities for using this abundant energy source.‍ He stated, “Using gas from ‍methane hydrate ‌as fuel is a major achievement. ‍It shows that we can tap into this clean energy source.”

Experts around the world are excited​ about this discovery. Dr. Simon ​Boxall, a marine scientist from the University of Southampton, expressed his enthusiasm by saying⁢ that ⁢even ​if⁣ we can utilize only a small amount of ‍the methane stored​ in ‍hydrates worldwide, it could make ⁢a huge difference in global energy ‍supplies.

However, scientists also caution about the‌ responsible use ‌of methane hydrate due to its environmental impact. Methane is a potent‌ greenhouse⁣ gas that contributes to climate change; therefore, extraction must be done carefully to prevent any ​leaks ​or harm to the environment. Dr. Brian Roman, a climate expert ⁢from the University ‍of California emphasized the need for caution when extracting methane hydrate.

Despite ‍these challenges and‍ concerns, scientists remain hopeful about the future potential of methane hydrate as an​ energy source on larger scales with​ further research‍ and‌ development according to Dr.Boxall.


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