Palau President Alleges China’s Use of Tourism for Influencing Stance

The President of Palau, Surangel‍ Whipps⁤ Jr., ⁣has⁣ accused⁢ China of ‌using ⁢tourism as a means⁢ to manipulate the politics of ‍his island. Whipps made these remarks following discussions ⁣about a ‍cyberattack from China and ⁤his refusal to sever ‍ties with ‍Taiwan. Over⁢ the past few years, China has exerted pressure on several Pacific island nations. In 2022, China proposed ‍a collaboration with ten countries in the‌ region, but all declined. It appears that​ China is employing tourism as a tool to apply pressure on these islands. During ⁤Whipps’ presidential campaign in 2020,⁢ a Chinese ambassador suggested ⁤that they could send one million tourists to Palau if he changed⁤ his stance ‌on China ​and Taiwan.

Whipps expressed ​his concerns about China’s actions during ⁣a virtual ‍meeting at the Aspen Security Forum ‌on August 3. He highlighted how Palau and other Pacific islands are being coerced ‌by ​China due ⁤to their friendship with Taiwan. The ‌President also mentioned a⁢ cyberattack ⁢on Palau’s government websites ‍that⁢ occurred after he ‌voiced support for⁢ Taiwan. According to Whipps, “We’re going ⁢through what Taiwan ⁢goes‌ through… They have bullied us and they will scare smaller ⁣countries.”

Whipps’ statements shed light on how China is attempting ⁣to exert control over the‌ Pacific islands which ⁤are ⁤vulnerable due to ‍their small size and‌ reliance on tourism for⁤ economic stability. Other ⁢Pacific nations have faced similar experiences.​ In recent years,⁣ there has been a ‌decline ​in Chinese tourists visiting Palau, negatively impacting its⁣ economy‍ and making ​it more challenging for these ​countries to sustain themselves.

Experts support Whipps’ ‍claims regarding Chinese tactics in the region. Richard Turere, a cybersecurity expert at the University⁤ of Cambridge, stated that China is utilizing ​tourism as a political weapon. Jonathan Pryke, director of the ​Pacific ⁢Islands Program at the Lowy ​Institute concurred by stating that⁣ powerful nations are engaging‍ in fierce competition within ⁢the Pacific islands arena specifically targeting those aligned⁢ with Taiwan


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