High temperatures expected in September and October

The⁣ Japan Meteorological ⁤Agency has released its three-month ⁣forecast for autumn, predicting ‌that the lingering⁣ heat ⁢will continue into September and October. According to the agency,⁢ temperatures‍ are expected to remain ‌high nationwide, with some areas experiencing‍ maximum temperatures of 35°C in the first half of September. In addition, there is a possibility of midsummer-like​ days with temperatures over ⁤30°C in October.

Shotaro ⁣Tanaka, an official from the Japan Meteorological Agency, warned‍ that the lingering heat​ is expected to be severe and that autumn may arrive late.​ He advised people to continue ‍taking measures against heatstroke.

During September and October, ⁣the Pacific coast‌ from Kanto​ to Kyushu, as well as Okinawa and Amami, will be susceptible to the influence⁣ of the autumn‍ rain front. The agency predicts that precipitation during this period will‌ be normal or above ‍average.

The typhoon season is also‍ expected⁢ to continue into fall according to‌ predictions by the agency.

In November,⁤ more autumn-like weather⁣ is anticipated. Temperatures are forecasted to be normal or higher than normal in northern and eastern ⁢Japan while remaining around ‍normal in western Japan and Okinawa.

It‍ seems like summer isn’t quite ready to say goodbye just yet in Japan. The country can⁤ expect a prolonged period of hot weather throughout ‌September and October ⁣before finally‍ transitioning ‍into more typical ⁤autumn conditions in November.

© Japan Today


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