Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Removes Name from Arizona Ballot

Robert F. Kennedy ​Jr., an independent ⁢presidential ⁢candidate, has withdrawn from appearing on ballots‍ in Arizona.

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes announced on Aug. 22 that Kennedy’s campaign had filed official paperwork to ‌withdraw him from the state’s 2024 election.

Kennedy and his running⁣ mate, Nicole Shanahan, submitted statements of voluntary ‌withdrawal ​at ⁢6:02 p.m. local time. Additionally, eleven presidential electors also⁤ voluntarily withdrew.

This decision comes just two days after Fontes confirmed that Kennedy had gathered enough signatures to be included on the ballot and conditionally certified him as a candidate for voters to‍ choose in November.

According to documents from the ⁢secretary⁢ of state’s office, Kennedy filed a total of 118,752 signatures, ‌surpassing the ‍required amount of 42,303.

As of Aug. 23,‌ Kennedy’s website still states that he is on the ballot in Arizona.

The son of late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy initially launched his presidential campaign as a Democrat but later switched to being an independent after facing obstacles from the Democratic⁤ Party in challenging President Joe Biden.

In multiple states, Democrats have attempted to prevent Kennedy from appearing ‌on ballots through lawsuits regarding paperwork ⁣issues.

This week in New⁤ York, Kennedy was involved in a trial centered around allegations that he falsely​ claimed residency in the state. In⁢ early August, a judge ruled against him and removed him from ​the New York​ ballot; however, there is an ongoing appeal process for this⁣ decision.Kennedy expressed confidence outside the courtroom on Long Island by stating that he would be ⁣included on all 50 states’ ballots.In addition to withdrawing from Arizona,“I think Friday will‌ be one‍ of the biggest events in American election history,” Shanahan ​said.Kennedy declined to confirm or deny speculation about dropping ‌out when questioned by reporters.


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