Marubeni aims to reduce emissions in sewage treatment by utilizing Danish startup’s technology for burning sludge

Marubeni Corp. is⁢ preparing to launch a new business venture aimed at reducing emissions in sewage ​treatment. Currently, the‍ majority of sewage ‌sludge is incinerated,⁢ which leads to the⁤ production of carbon dioxide. Marubeni plans to utilize technology from ⁤a Danish startup in order to‌ minimize CO2 emissions and hopes to‍ have a treatment facility operational in Japan⁣ within the next two or three years.

Sewage sludge can be ⁢disposed of through incineration, landfilling, or composting. However, land⁤ must be acquired for landfills and composted sewage may contain harmful substances that can contaminate soil.

AquaGreen Holding ApS, a‍ Danish company, possesses technology that‍ involves drying sewage sludge at high temperatures and ⁤thermally decomposing it by burning gases like methane and hydrogen ‍that are generated during⁣ the treatment process. By​ using fossil fuels solely for ⁤igniting these⁣ gases, AquaGreen’s method significantly reduces CO2 emissions.

Marubeni intends ⁣to invest in AquaGreen and make it an equity-method affiliate. The company is also exploring opportunities to ​expand its use of this technology throughout Asia and Australia.

Japan’s sewage sector currently emits approximately 6 million tons of CO2 each year from sludge disposal activities and⁤ related processes. In ‍an effort to combat climate change, the ​government ‌aims ⁢to reduce ⁢CO2⁢ emissions by 2 million tons from 2013 levels by fiscal ​year 2030 while simultaneously improving the efficiency of sewage treatment operations.

Several major trading companies are already involved in the sewage business sector. Mitsui & Co., for example, operates a sewage treatment business in Mexico while Sumitomo​ Corp. has one in Brazil. Additionally, some developing​ countries lack well-established sewer‍ systems and are urgently seeking infrastructure solutions for⁤ their wastewater management needs. Mitsubishi Corp., recognizing this demand, has invested in a company specializing in water and sewage facilities management as well as ⁢wastewater treatment within Japan.


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