RFK Jr. Backing Seen as a Major Victory by Trump Supporters

Former president⁢ Donald Trump introduced⁣ Robert ⁤F. Kennedy Jr. as the “special guest” at a rally in‌ Glendale, Arizona, just hours ⁤after Kennedy suspended his presidential campaign.

Kennedy, 70, a former Democrat, withdrew his candidacy as an Independent‍ candidate on Aug.⁣ 23 amid sagging⁢ polls and backed ‍Trump as ‌the Republican nominee in the 2024 election.

During the rally, Trump hailed⁣ Kennedy as a “great guy” who is “respected by everybody,” and wants him to be a‍ part ⁤of his administration‍ if he wins the ⁣election in November.

The rally started at⁣ 4 p.m. in Glendale and⁣ lasted more than⁣ an ⁤hour.

A crowd of Trump supporters filled the Wicked Wolf bar near the arena and watched the 45th president criticize his Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris on widescreen​ televisions.

“I ​love‍ it. I’m so ready for it. ‌I was ‌really hoping that this was going to happen,” said Edith Verjarcruz of Arizona regarding Kennedy dropping‌ out of the race.

She said Kennedy’s support of‍ Trump is a win-win for⁣ his campaign.

Trump supporter Miguel Bravo of Glendale said he ⁤viewed ​Kennedy as an old-style Democrat who could no longer fit ‌in with​ the party establishment based on ‍principle.

“That’s what ⁤this is—the Old School,” Bravo told The ​Epoch Times.

Amman Catalan of Surprise, Arizona,​ said he could see no conflicts with⁤ Kennedy serving as a former‍ Democrat in a second Trump administration. He said both men believe⁣ in​ doing “what’s best for America.”

However, Joe⁤ O’Shaughnessy of Arizona said Kennedy’s withdrawal from the race would direct votes to Harris.
“I preferred‍ that he stayed in”the race,O’Shaughnessy told The Epoch Times.
“I know alotof ⁢Democratsand they all were going to ⁢vote‍ for RFK.I think,in all reality,it ⁢gave Kamala aboost.”

Leno Marin from Phoenix,supportsTrump,saidKennedy ‍should ⁣be praisedforhisworkwiththeChildren’sDefenseFundandhisoppositiontoCOVID-19injections.


Bobby Favino from ArizonasaidthatKennedyleavingtheraceandsupportingTrumpwilldefinitelyhelptheformerpresident.
“RFKknewhewasn’tgoingtowinasanIndependent.Itjustgoingtobreakupthevote.Hedidthe rightthing,Favino told The Epoch Times.”
Idon’tknowabouthavinghimamemberofhiscabinet.ButIthinkhedidtherightthing.He should havedoneitalongtimeago.”

Favino24whohasbeenabigTrumpsupportersincethe2016election thinksthatTrum canwininNovemberwithKennedyshelp

Tina MoralesfromFlorenceArizonastoodoutsidethearenawavingabigblueTrumpflag

“Therearetoomanyeyeswatchingnow.IthinkTrumphasitonhisside now,MoralestoldTheEpochTimes.”



Is she talking about that? No.So thatforme,says alot.Especiallywherewelive”,shesaid.

AftertherallyRep.PaulGosar(R-Ariz.) told⁢ TheEpochTimesthatKennedy’sendorsementofTrum​ canonlyhelphimwin theelection


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