Pennsylvania Judge Bars Cornel West from Pennsylvania Ballot

A court‍ in ⁢Pennsylvania has ruled that independent presidential ⁣candidate⁤ Cornel ‌West ⁣will not be ‌able to appear on the ‌presidential ballot in⁢ the state. This ⁣decision is significant as Pennsylvania is ‍a⁢ key battleground state that plays a crucial role in determining the outcome⁤ of​ the 2024 election.

Commonwealth Court Judge Renee Cohn Jubelirer, in a 15-page ruling, sided with the Secretary of State’s office under Democratic Governor Josh Shapiro, ​rejecting West’s candidacy paperwork. The Secretary ⁣of State’s ⁢office⁤ argued that West and his running⁤ mate, ​activist Melina Abdullah, did not ⁣have the required⁣ affidavits for 14 out of West’s 19 presidential electors. The court agreed with this argument.

Jubelirer, who is a‌ Republican, also⁤ agreed⁣ with the Secretary ‍of⁤ State’s ⁢office⁣ that ‌minor-party presidential electors should be considered candidates for office and must file affidavits, even if major-party presidential⁤ electors are exempt from this requirement.

The court ruled that Pennsylvania’s Secretary of⁣ State office is obligated ⁣to ‌certify the ballot in time for county boards to print and mail absentee ballots ⁢to military electors‌ serving overseas or in isolated areas⁢ at least 70 days prior⁤ to a general election. ‌If ⁤West had been allowed on the ​ballot, it would​ have made it nearly impossible for ‍these processes to be completed within‌ those timeframes.

Due to these‍ reasons and others, the court found that West ‌”failed to exercise‌ due diligence”‌ and therefore barred him ⁣from appearing on the ⁣ballot.

West’s lawyer Matthew Haverstick expressed his disagreement with this decision and stated that he saw no‌ good ⁣reason for ​keeping West off the ballot or preventing Pennsylvanians from‍ voting for him. It remains ‍unclear whether ‍an appeal will be filed against this ruling.

In ⁤another development ⁣related‌ to ⁤independent⁤ candidates withdrawing from ‍Pennsylvania’s ballot, Robert ‍F. Kennedy‌ Jr., also an independent ⁢candidate, informed the​ court through a ⁣filing⁢ that‍ he will withdraw ‍from Pennsylvania’s ballot as well. Kennedy announced his suspension ‌of ‌his presidential‌ bid ⁤during a speech in⁣ Phoenix where he expressed support⁢ for former President Donald Trump ‌and revealed plans ⁢to remain on ballots in states where‍ he⁣ is unlikely to influence⁢ outcomes.

The Green Party’s‍ Jill ⁣Stein‍ and⁢ Libertarian Party’s Chase Oliver were able to submit petitions without facing any challenges while Claudia ⁢De la Cruz from Party for Socialism and Liberation intends to appeal​ against a judge’s decision ordering her off Pennsylvania’s ballot.

Pennsylvania ⁢is ⁣expected‌ to have a close ​election on November 5th according Cook Political Report which rates‌ it⁤ as “toss up” between ‌former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris⁤ representing Democrat Party. Some polls suggest that both Cornel West and ⁣Jill Stein could potentially draw votes away ⁢from Democrats due their focus on ending conflict between Israel ​and Hamas terrorist group.

However, ⁣despite being denied access onto⁣ Pennsylvania’s ballot by this recent ruling , Cornel West achieved legal victory⁢ last week when Michigan judge ruled he must appear on their state’s electoral list . Michigan also⁢ holds significance as another potential ​battleground state with⁣ its 15 electoral ​votes at stake which⁤ was rated “toss⁢ up”⁤ by Cook Political Report .

West celebrated this ⁤win by stating “Victory in Michigan! We brought thousands of voices…This ⁢is⁣ win democracy…Onward!” via social media‌ platform X .

It ‍should be noted The ⁣Associated ⁢Press contributed information used within article


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