IPAC Condemns Beijing’s Intimidation of Lawmakers Following Taiwan Summit

An international group of lawmakers ⁤has criticized China for using coercive measures against⁤ participants of a recent ‍summit in Taiwan. The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), which ⁣consists of over 200 lawmakers from 40 ⁢countries, ⁣held ‌a summit in Taipei at ‌the⁢ end of July. It was attended by 49 IPAC members from 24 countries, making it the largest delegation of foreign parliamentary members to visit Taiwan.

Before the‍ summit, IPAC revealed that Beijing attempted ⁢to prevent its members from traveling to Taiwan through coercion and interference. Since then, some participants have been targeted by‍ Chinese authorities in their home countries. IPAC released a statement on August 6 listing several politicians who have faced inappropriate efforts⁣ by China to limit their freedoms.

The ⁤list includes Peter Kenilorea from the Solomon Islands, Miriam Lexmann from Slovakia, Catalin Tenita from Romania, Fatmir Bytyqi from North Macedonia, and Senator Centa Rek Lopez from Bolivia. The group condemned China’s coordinated program of political interference and intimidation as an attempt to restrict engagement and dialogue between democratically elected representatives.

China ⁢claims Taiwan as part ⁣of its territory despite never having ruled it. The Chinese ⁣Communist Party does not tolerate government officials or foreign diplomats engaging with Taiwanese officials except for a few countries that recognize Taiwan as a state.

IPAC stated that no‌ country has the right to threaten foreign lawmakers for legitimate discussions or curtail their freedom of movement. ⁢They called upon governments to protect the freedoms of their parliamentarians.

The Solomon Islands government‍ criticized Peter Kenilorea for participating in the summit,​ claiming it was an ⁢attempt to harm relations with China. Kenilorea responded by stating ‌that the summit aimed​ to address ⁣potential risks resulting from any unilateral changes in relations between Taiwan and mainland China.

Canada’s Independent MP Kevin Vuong expressed⁢ solidarity with Kenilorea against those who interfere with freedom and work movements ​among democracies.

In Romania, Catalin Tenita received pressure from the Chinese Embassy ​not to conduct official exchanges or contacts with Taiwan due to unfavorable bilateral relations between China and Romania. Tenita reaffirmed his engagement with Taiwan aligns fully with those of the European Union.

Elisabet Lann, a municipal councilor in Sweden’s Gothenburg city who participated​ in the Taipei summit, also faced pressure when her ‌local Chinese consulate requested a ‌meeting to coordinate party member behavior.

The actions taken by China ‍demonstrate ⁤its coercive tactics towards individuals ⁣involved in activities related to Taiwan outside ⁤mainland control.


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