Poll Shows Ishiba Preferred by Older Voters, Koizumi by Younger in LDP Presidential Race

In‌ the race ⁢for the next president of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP),⁢ Shigeru ⁤Ishiba has gained support among older voters, while Shinjiro Koizumi‌ has captured the youth vote, according to a recent opinion poll conducted by Yomiuri Shimbun.

The nationwide poll asked respondents who ​they believed would be ‍the best choice for⁤ LDP ⁢president. Ishiba emerged as the top choice, with Koizumi coming in second.

Among ⁢those aged 60 or older, Ishiba garnered 28%​ of support. However, his popularity dropped among younger age groups, with only⁣ 13% of those aged 18 to​ 39 and 22% of those aged 40 to 59 backing him. On the other hand, Koizumi received strong support from younger people, ​with 27% of those aged 18 to 39 favoring him.

Sanae Takaichi‌ ranked third⁣ in the poll and saw her strongest support from individuals aged ​between 40 and 59. She received ⁤backing from15% of that⁤ group.

When it came to⁤ gender ⁣breakdowns, Ishiba was favored by an almost⁤ equal number of men (21%) and women (23%). Koizumi had support from22%of men while Takaichi ‌had13%. These figures were4to6points higher than their respective levels of female ⁣support.

Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa ⁢ranked fifth in the poll but received twice as⁤ much support from women (8%) compared to men.

Respondents were​ also asked why they believed a⁢ particular candidate was suited for presidency. Among those who ‌backed Ishiba,88%said he was trustworthy -the highest percentage for any ‍candidate-while80%said he​ was enthusiastic about reform.Ishiba officially announced his candidacy on Saturday and ⁣seems to have strong ⁤name recognition among voters who praised his willingness to criticize government policies.

For Koizumi supporters,the most common reasons cited(87%)were his personalityand ⁤skill at communicating messages effectivelytothe ​public.His status as sonof​ former Prime⁣ Minister JunichiroKoizumialso contributedtohis imageas astrong communicator due⁢ to frequent media appearances.

Takaichi’s ⁣supporters(81%)highlighted her personalityand enthusiasmfor reformas their main reasonsfor choosingher.Kamikawa’s⁢ graspof international issueswas themost frequently cited reasonfor supporting her.Takayuki Kobayashiwas often backedforhis ‍enthusiasmin reformand refreshing image.

When‍ asked which issues ​they wanted⁤ candidates todiscuss,the highest percentage(29%)cited economic⁢ policy.Another23%citedpension systemand other social welfare issues;13%citedproblems relatedtomoneyin politics;and12%citeddiplomacyand national security.

Prof.Kazuhisa Kawakami,a political psychology expertfromReitaku​ University,stressedthe importanceofcandidates clearly presentingtheir ‌plans.“Witha possible early dissolutionoftheHouseof ⁢Representativesanda general election,”he said.“Party memberswill likelybe watchingpublic opinion‌ polls,voting fora party presidentand ‌prime ministerwhothey think will‍ helpthepartywin.”


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