Doocy Questions KJP About VP Kamala Harris’s Absence from Press Briefings

During the White House press briefing on Wednesday, Karine ⁤Jean-Pierre was questioned about Vice ‌President Kamala Harris’s apparent absence.‍ The inquiry arose after Harris had not been seen in public for several days. Jean-Pierre responded‍ by stating that the Vice President has been ⁣actively engaged in various ‍meetings and⁣ discussions, both internally and externally.

Jean-Pierre further ‌explained that Harris has been working diligently⁢ behind the scenes on a range of important issues. She‌ emphasized that the⁣ Vice President’s role involves tackling⁢ complex challenges such as immigration, voting rights, and economic‍ recovery. These matters require extensive collaboration with stakeholders and⁣ experts ​to develop effective strategies.

The press secretary also highlighted⁣ that Harris⁣ is committed to addressing root causes of migration from Central America. This includes engaging with leaders from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico to find sustainable solutions. Additionally, she mentioned the‍ importance of working closely with Congress to advance legislative priorities.

Jean-Pierre assured reporters that although they may not see Harris in public every day, she ⁣remains fully dedicated to ⁤her responsibilities as Vice President. She ⁣reiterated that the administration values transparency but also recognizes the need for private discussions ​and negotiations.

Jean-Pierre’s response aimed to address concerns regarding Kamala Harris’s recent absence⁢ from public view. She emphasized that while not always visible, the Vice President is actively involved in crucial matters impacting the nation’s⁤ progress and well-being.


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