Japan’s birth rate drops by 5.7% to 350,000 in Jan-June due to declining marriages

The ‌number of​ babies born‌ in ⁤Japan, as ⁢well as⁣ to Japanese citizens residing overseas, dropped by 5.7 percent in the January to June period compared to the previous year, reaching a record low of 350,074,​ according to government data released on Friday. This decline in births is occurring as the number of marriages continues to ⁣decrease due to changing values.

Preliminary data from the Ministry⁤ of Health, Labor and Welfare showed that the pace of decrease in births for‌ the first half ⁢of 2024 accelerated from 3.6 percent during the same period last ⁢year.⁣ The total⁣ number ⁤of births for​ this period was at⁢ its‌ lowest level since comparable data became available in 1969.

It’s important to note ​that these figures include data for foreigners ‌residing in Japan.

If this declining trend continues, it is possible that the number⁢ of births for the ‍full year could fall below 700,000 for ⁢the first time ‌when ⁣excluding foreigners.

In​ addition to declining birth rates, there has also‌ been a decrease in​ couples getting ​married. In fact, during the year leading⁣ up to ‍June 2024, there‍ was a drop of 1.8‍ percent ⁣compared to the previous year with⁤ only⁢ 491,462 couples‍ tying the knot. However,​ there was a slight ‍increase of 0.9 percent during this first ‍half-year period ​with a total of 248,513⁣ marriages compared​ to last year’s ⁢same ​time frame.

During this​ six-month period starting from January alone,‌ there was an increase⁤ in deaths by 1.8 ‌percent resulting in a natural population decline​ of about 461k people. ​In fact,the number recorded for childbirths excluding foreigners stood at its ​lowest ⁢point on record⁤ at just over727k births⁣ backin2023.

This declining population trend could have‌ severe consequences such‌ as impacting businesses and local government‍ services due⁤ to labor ‌shortages and reduced​ consumer⁣ demand.It may also put significant strain on social security systems⁤ including healthcare and pensions.

Recognizing that‌ they are running outof time,the government has pledgedto implement “unprecedented measures”to addressthis issue beforethe early2030s which⁣ they consideras theirlast chance toreversethe country’sdeclining birthrate.


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