Japanese Defense Ministry Seeks ¥323.2 Billion Budget for ‘Satellite Constellation’ to Identify Missile Attack Targets

The Defense Ministry has submitted its initial ‌budget ⁢request for fiscal 2025, which includes a request for ¥323.2 billion to build a satellite constellation network for guiding missiles. This marks the first time that the ministry has requested over ¥8 trillion in its initial budget. The highest priority in the request ⁢is given to building up⁢ counterattack capabilities, with ¥970 billion allocated for related programs.

The requested funds for the satellite constellation network will be used to operate a group of small satellites. This network, consisting of many small‍ satellites on the same⁢ orbit, will serve as an eye in the sky capable of detecting and tracking targets continuously. Currently, ⁢Japan operates 10 information-gathering satellites, but they ​are limited in their capabilities⁢ and cannot lock onto moving targets.

To enhance production capabilities of hypersonic guided missiles that fly at speeds faster ⁢than Mach 5, the ministry ⁢has ​requested ¥256.9 billion. Additionally, there‍ is a request for ¥17 billion to acquire an improved version of Type 12 surface-to-ship guided missiles.

In fiscal ⁤2025,‌ deployment of new weapons such as U.S.-made Tomahawk cruise missiles will begin. ⁢These plans align with decisions outlined in three defense documents revised in December 2022 and aim to increase ⁤Japan’s defense budget to ⁤¥43 trillion between fiscal​ years 2023 and 2027.

It is worth noting that defense budget amounts have been rapidly increasing in recent years. However, it was revealed ​that ⁤approximately ¥130 billion from the fiscal year 2023 defense budget was not spent and returned to the treasury. Furthermore, there is still uncertainty regarding when new tax hikes will be implemented ⁣to fund these increases.

As a result, there may be debates about whether such raises to the defense budget are appropriate considering these factors.


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