Families of Fallen Soldiers Support Trump Amid Arlington Cemetery Visit Fallout

Former ​President Donald Trump has shared videos of family members of fallen soldiers responding to‌ Vice President Kamala ⁤Harris’s criticism⁣ of his recent ⁤visit to Arlington National Cemetery. On August ​26, Trump ‍laid wreaths at ‌the Tomb of‍ the Unknown Soldier in ‌Arlington ⁢Cemetery to commemorate‍ the third anniversary⁤ of the United States’ ⁣withdrawal⁤ from ​Afghanistan. During the ⁣event, he was accompanied by family members of fallen service members.

Vice President Kamala Harris wrote a ⁣lengthy ​post on August 31, accusing Trump of​ playing politics at the venue. She‍ stated that honoring veterans and military families should be ​a shared value among Americans and criticized Trump for disrespecting sacred ground for political gain.

In response to Harris’s criticism, Trump uploaded videos on Sunday ​featuring eight family members who lost loved ⁤ones in Afghanistan. Darin Hoover, father of Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover who was killed in an ISIS terrorist attack outside ⁣Kabul airport ⁣last year, expressed gratitude⁤ towards Trump for his support during their time of ⁤grief.

Mark ‍Schmitz,‌ father of Lance Cpl. Jared M. ⁤Schmitz ​who ⁣also died in the attack, accused ​Harris of‍ trying to incite those who don’t⁤ follow the truth and emphasized that ⁤they​ invited Trump to be there as a leader rather than for political reasons.

Other ‌family members echoed similar sentiments, stating that they⁢ welcomed Trump’s presence at the event and⁤ appreciated his willingness to listen to their stories. They also criticized Harris and her administration for failing to provide adequate support ⁢or​ explanations regarding their loved ones’ deaths.

Regarding an incident during the August 26 event at Arlington National Cemetery, a spokesperson from the cemetery confirmed that there was‌ an‍ “incident” ‌but did not provide further ⁣details. The spokesperson emphasized that political campaign ⁣or election-related activities are prohibited within Army ⁢National Military Cemeteries.

Trump’s campaign spokesman denied claims about a‌ physical altercation⁣ but acknowledged that an ⁣unnamed‌ individual‌ physically blocked members of the Trump team⁢ while accusing them of suffering from⁢ a mental health episode.

Senator JD Vance (R-Ohio), who ran⁣ as Trump’s vice presidential⁤ candidate in 2024, also criticized Harris’s post ⁤and called for an investigation into unnecessary deaths caused‌ by her administration’s incompetence.

Harris had previously defended Biden’s decision to withdraw ‌troops from ⁣Afghanistan in a statement issued on August 26. She⁤ highlighted​ how eliminating terrorists can still ‍be ​achieved ⁢without deploying troops into combat zones while ensuring national security against terrorist threats.

Last year, representatives⁢ from eight out ⁤of thirteen service member families participated in discussions hosted⁤ by Congress demanding accountability and‍ resignations within Biden’s⁤ administration following the ​Kabul attack.


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