Missouri Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Trump, Republicans, Police Officers

A Missouri man is facing federal charges for ‍allegedly ⁤making violent threats​ against former President Donald Trump, Republicans,⁢ and law enforcement officers on social‍ media. Justin ⁢Lee White, 36, is⁤ accused of using ⁢interstate communication​ to ⁤spread these threats in​ violation of federal ​law. The FBI ​led a multi-agency investigation into the matter⁤ after White​ posted multiple messages ‌on platforms ⁤like TikTok and ‌facebook threatening violence if his demands regarding electoral‍ fairness were not met. One⁢ of White’s videos‍ on TikTok stated that he would show up with ⁤a gun and engage in ⁢real violence if⁤ Republicans did not play fair with the votes. The ​Springfield Police ‍Department received a tip about the video and forwarded it to the FBI.

Further ​examination revealed additional threatening posts on White’s facebook page. In one post, he included a photograph of a‍ firearm and⁣ ammunition, warning⁤ that any ‍police officer who approached his residence would be met with violence. Law ‍enforcement obtained a ‌search warrant for ⁤White’s residence where they recovered firearms, ammunition, and⁢ other evidence supporting the charges.

During his arrest and⁣ interview, White admitted to creating the threatening posts out of anger⁤ but expressed regret for his‍ actions. He mentioned being​ involved​ in a shooting altercation with ‌a police officer when he was younger as one reason for his⁤ hatred ⁤towards law enforcement.

White ​is currently in custody and⁤ could face up to five years in prison or a fine of $250,000 if convicted.‌ A preliminary hearing is scheduled for September 5th.

The U.S. Attorney’s‍ Office for the Western District ‌of ​Missouri declined to comment further at this‍ time, while an ⁢attorney representing⁢ White did not respond ⁣to ‍requests for‍ comment from The Epoch Times before publication.


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