Elle Macpherson Shares Breast Cancer Journey 7 Years After Diagnosis

Australian​ supermodel and actress Elle Macpherson⁤ has recently opened up about⁤ her battle ⁤with breast cancer, seven years after being diagnosed. In‍ an interview with The Australian Women’s⁢ Weekly, Macpherson described the experience as shocking, unexpected,‍ confusing, and daunting. She was diagnosed with HER2-positive estrogen-receptive intraductal⁢ carcinoma in 2017. According to the American ‌Cancer‌ Society, this type of breast cancer is more aggressive and ​can ‍spread ⁤quickly.

Initially, Macpherson’s ⁤doctor recommended a comprehensive ‌treatment plan ‌that​ included a ⁢mastectomy, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone ⁣therapy. However, she⁢ decided to take ⁢a ⁤different approach. Instead of conventional ‍treatments, she chose to pursue a ⁢holistic path⁣ to ​recovery with ‍the​ help of specialists ⁣in naturopathic medicine, chiropractic care, ​holistic dentistry, and osteopathy.

Macpherson explained that‍ this alternative route allowed‌ her ⁤to dig deep within herself to find a solution ⁤that ​worked for her. After eight months of adhering to her holistic treatment regimen, she announced that she is now in clinical remission.

In her new memoir titled “Elle: Life Lessons and⁣ Learning to Trust Yourself,”⁣ Macpherson discusses her ​breast cancer journey along with other challenges she has⁣ faced in life. She emphasizes the ‌importance of making authentic choices from the heart even ‌if they don’t make sense to⁢ others.

Throughout her ‍battle with cancer and ⁤decision not​ to ​pursue traditional treatments like chemotherapy‍ or surgery,
Macpherson received ⁢support from her children and former partner Arpad Busson despite their ​concerns ​about her choice.

The memoir also delves into Macpherson’s struggles with ‍addiction ⁤as⁢ well⁣ as other aspects ⁤of personal transformation.
She⁢ hopes that by sharing ⁣her ‍story readers‍ will be inspired to embrace self-belief and trust ‌themselves.

Elle Macpherson’s journey through breast cancer serves as an example of how individuals⁤ can⁤ make choices based on their own intuition
and seek alternative paths‍ towards ‌healing.
Her‍ story highlights the importance of trusting oneself when​ faced with difficult decisions regarding health issues.
Through embracing authenticity,
Macpherson found wellness on‌ multiple levels—physically,
and mentally—and hopes others ​can do the same by⁢ finding their own truth.
Her memoir offers insights into personal growth
and serves as an inspiration for those⁣ facing similar ​challenges in life


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