Kathy Bates Shares Increased Energy from 100-Pound Weight Loss

Actress Kathy Bates recently revealed that losing 100 pounds has had a significant impact on her life. In an interview with Variety, Bates discussed her experience playing attorney Madeline “Matty” Matlock in the upcoming CBS drama series “Matlock.” She explained that her recent weight loss has helped her meet the demands of leading the show.

Bates, known for her roles in films like “Misery,” admitted that she hadn’t been at this weight since college. She credited her weight loss journey to the past six or seven years of hard work and dedication.

The actress also reflected on how being a non-traditional Hollywood beauty has actually worked to her advantage. Bates acknowledged that she always knew it would take time for success to come her way due to societal beauty standards. However, she expressed satisfaction in seeing former beauty queens struggle with ageism while she continues to thrive in the industry.

In addition to improving her career prospects, Bates’ weight loss has had positive effects on her health as well. She shared that it helped alleviate symptoms from lymphedema, a chronic condition causing swelling due to fluid buildup. Furthermore, losing weight reduced the risk of developing diabetes, which runs in Bates’ family.

Obesity is a prevalent issue across the United States and is associated with various health problems such as heart disease and high blood pressure. According to Mayo Clinic and CDC data cited in the article, nearly 42 percent of U.S. adults were classified as obese between 2017 and March 2020.

To combat obesity, experts recommend adopting healthy eating habits, staying physically active, getting enough sleep, and managing stress levels.

Kathy Bates’ inspiring journey serves as a reminder of how making positive lifestyle changes can have profound effects on both physical well-being and professional success.


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