Ten white snakes hatched at Sanpo Shrine in Fukuoka Prefecture, believed to bring good fortune

In a ⁣remarkable ​event, Fukuoka Prefecture’s Sanpo⁤ Shrine recently witnessed the hatching of 10 baby white snakes. This shrine is known for its worship of a god​ in ​the form of a white ​snake. ⁣The shrine officials have expressed⁢ their‌ astonishment as this is the first time they have had ⁣such⁢ a large number​ of snakes hatched simultaneously.

White snakes are believed to bring good fortune, ⁤and ⁣their presence is⁢ considered auspicious. To facilitate the growth and ‌development of these ⁢sacred creatures, the shrine had ⁢established a ⁣dedicated‌ facility for raising white ​snakes⁣ approximately three years⁣ ago. The‍ interior of this space ‍is meticulously ​maintained at a constant temperature ranging⁤ from 28 to 30 degrees Celsius, creating an optimal environment ⁢for the snakes’ well-being.

According to reports from the shrine,‌ one female snake laid 12 eggs back in July. Out of ⁢these eggs, an impressive total of 10 baby snakes successfully hatched earlier this month. This achievement has brought great joy and ‍excitement among ⁤both⁤ visitors and staff at Sanpo Shrine.

The birth of these baby white snakes serves as a testament to the efforts made by ‍Sanpo Shrine in preserving and nurturing these revered creatures. It also reinforces beliefs surrounding their significance in bringing blessings and ‍prosperity to those who encounter⁣ them.

As news‌ spreads ⁣about this⁣ extraordinary occurrence at Fukuoka Prefecture’s Sanpo Shrine, people from far and wide are likely to be⁢ captivated by this fascinating display of nature’s wonders within our ⁣midst.


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