Ron Johnson Accuses Government of Deceiving American Public on Significant Matter

During a Senate Budget Committee hearing, Senator Ron ​Johnson expressed concerns about ‌the solvency of Social Security⁢ and criticized the government’s management of the program. The hearing provided an opportunity for Johnson to question witnesses and delve into the issue. This discussion comes​ at a time ⁤when many Americans​ are worried about the future of ⁣Social Security and its ability to provide financial security for retirees. The ​senator’s remarks shed⁢ light ⁤on his perspective regarding this major issue, highlighting ⁢his belief that the government has deceived the American public in some way. As discussions surrounding Social Security continue,‌ it remains to be seen what actions will be taken to address these concerns and ensure its long-term viability.

Please note that this article‍ is based on information from a Senate Budget Committee hearing and⁢ does not include any personal opinions ⁢or conclusions.



  • @JanetEarthOne711

    It’s in trouble since the 2018 tax cut from the Republican admin. For the super wealthy.
    Remember social security was implemented for all retirees after the Great Depression for good reason .
    Warren Buffett said his secretary was paying 36% in payroll taxes, while he as a billionaire was only paying 17% (This was a few years ago )
    Google it

  • @davidrounds3245

    The government Politicians stole our contributions and never invested them. But we can give 65 Billion a year to Illegals, 50 billion to Ukraine but no money for SS. Screw all of them.

  • @lynnmahoney5549

    The Government should've never never touched our social security and they want to raise the age to retire, meaning the Government is still abusing our hard earned Social Security

  • @marshallsmith101

    We got fucked by congress.

  • @reefratsclark5404

    Tax at 57% companies will just move overseas

  • @reefratsclark5404

    Why would any migrant have access to this fund?

  • @pamelapeoples975

    There was only one real reason ..and that was the Federal Government taking the surpluse and wasting it on useless pork spending. It was both Democrates and Republicans. Shame on them. They even lied by telling us the government will pay it back with interest…..still waiting…and the problem now is the government is in so much debt it will never be refunded. The economy will crash……

  • @Kovu1224

    It's absolutely devastating to hear that our Government has spent all of the money 💰 out of Social Security on other Government Programs… this goes to show you that The Government isn't working for We The People, they are Working to benefit themselves

  • @ScottWaa

    We need to stop out of control spending by the government.

  • @words5415

    It’s a matter of time before the people take it upon theirselves to over-turn the ‘government’.
    We are DONE with it.
    You tax our pay, then tax us on what we buy with our already taxed wages, then tax is on the property we work to OWN outright. Then you send a tax paid employee to come in and ‘audit’ every penny….that YOU have already TAXED a million times over.
    On top of which, you are right! It is confusing. No one understands it except the ones manipulating the whole system. YET, you want to threaten the American people, the simple American people, with the IRS.
    And again, take money from the worker and employer for our SS….that y’all have BLOWN. So why are we still paying into that. That dream is gone. We are all beyond done with this!!!
    The American people need to wake up!
    The Government needs to wake up! Y’all can’t even explain the bs you are expecting us to be held by. Come on now!
    Shit is going to hit the fan with this kind of chaos!

  • @davidrounds3245

    Drill for oil and gas on public lands and the oil companies do not get the money. The government gets the profits and 100% of that goes to reducing the deficit and it should be against the law for Congress to do anything else with that money. No pulling the fake lottery educations switch either.

  • @user-qj6lt7ir4u

    I think what the senator is trying to say is that (sure rich people live longer because they can afford to eat healthy and see a doctor who will provide adequate care but, poor people live far too long as it is). Is that about right Senator?

  • @charleshamilton6555

    What about the value of the dollar ? Can we re-monitize ?

  • @99killerb

    Rebecca Vallas is such a stereotypical liberal, going to the race card to try and support her position. Yes, it's all the fault of "rich people" not paying their fair share. Democrats have controlled DC and the country for 12 of the last 16 years, but nothing is their fault.

  • @jimbrauer1711

    MISSOURI TEACHERS BEWARE: Social Security will STEAL your benefits….especially….your SURVIVOR BENEFITS! Repeal: WEP & GOVERNMENT PENSION OFFSET. HR 82. S 597. My deceased husband PAID IN….and I DON'T get ANY of his larger benefit! Theft!!! John Larson = Secure Act 2100 = repeals BOTH!

  • @rlhicks1

    Social Security should not be taxed at either the State or Federal level.

  • @joanstakem83

    When I get low on money, I STOP spending money. I budget, I cut back on the things I can, cheaper food, no new clothing, necessities only. I recommend the government begin to do the same thing.

  • @georgemichael2844

    Retired benefits of social security workers recieve 6000 to 15000 a month for their own retirement. Why didn't they invest our money the same way . My grandfathers nephew Edward Arthur in Catonville still living, should be in front of congress also Joe Curran Jr. To get 5h3 answers why the let the salaries an oensions increase to creat our 40 trillion dept. The pensions are 2 trillion in the in the rear.Again Edward Arthur the director an employees of Social security started paying them selves a illegal salary an pensions after Edward Arthur's uncke John G. Arthur set the pay scale until the year 2042. After Judge John G. Arthurs passing in 1983. The State attorney General Joseph Curran Jr. Let SALARIES raise 160000 thousand on top of the 40000 thousand anaul salary. Took the mandatory 18000. Anaul oensan raised them to 80% of the public servants illegal wage increase.Destroyed America.

  • @minab7390

    Income tax should be 10% across the board with no exceptions or deductions

  • @minab7390

    Lift up the😢 cap on income that pays into the fund.

  • @user-jb5yi3mg7r

    Absolutely they have been dipping into it for a very long time.

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