Kyoto Prefecture’s Visitor Numbers Surpass Pre-Pandemic Level, Reaching 75.18 Million in 2023

The number of visitors to Kyoto Prefecture reached 75.18 million in 2023, marking an increase of 8.5 million compared to the previous year, according to the prefectural government. This figure also surpassed the pre-pandemic number of 74.3 million in 2019.

Notably, there has been a growing demand for tourism in areas outside of Kyoto City, including those that are being actively promoted by the prefecture.

In terms of specific statistics, last year saw a total of 50.28 million tourists visiting Kyoto City, which amounted to a recovery rate of 94% compared to the numbers recorded in 2019.

Furthermore, spending by inbound tourists reached ¥1.54 trillion in 2023, representing a significant increase of 24.3% when compared to figures from 2019. This surge in spending resulted in economic ripple effects amounting to approximately ¥1.7 trillion, marking a growth rate of 25.4% from the previous year.

Accommodation data also revealed positive trends with an overall increase of visitors staying at establishments within the city by12%, totaling at around14.75 million visitors for the year2023 alone.This included5 .36million overseas visitors -the highest number recorded since surveys began backin1958.

The city attributed this recovery and increased tourism demand primarily due to COVID-19 being downgraded under Category V -the same level as seasonal flu- accordingtothe Infectious Diseases Law.

In order to promote sustainable tourism practices,the city conducteda survey among touristsin2023.The results showed that67%of Japanese visitors demonstrated considerate behavior during their trips,such as taking their garbage home and displaying good manners.Onthe other hand,a staggering80 .2 %of foreign visitors exhibited similar considerate actions during their visits.

However,the survey also highlighted some areas for improvement.Around43 %of Japanese tourists and16 .3 %of foreign tourists reported experiencing disappointments during their visitstoKyoto.These complaints were mainly relatedtocongestion and dissatisfaction with public transportation services among other factors.

Moving beyond Kyoto City,the numberofvisitors tonon-cityareasreached24 .9millionin2023.This markedanincreaseof4 .12millionfrom2019.Tourist spendingalso roseby¥30 .2billion,reaching¥121 .1billionfor theyear .

Specifically,in terms offoreign tourist attractions,the Otokuni Bamboo Grove area experienceda slight decrease with1 .26millionvisitors.However,theKyoto Tea Country area witnesseda significant rise with9 .32millionvisitors.The Woodland Kyoto area attracted9 .38millionvisitors,andtheKyoto by theseaarea welcomed5 ,91millionsightseers.Uji was one such region that experienced notable growth indemand.Its tea-picking experiences,resumed after pandemic restrictions were lifted,were particularly popularamongsttourists.Additionally,various shrines,temples,and attractions like Byodoin temple contributedtoUji’s appealasatouristdestination.Michi-no-eki roadside facilities selling local productsandalsoSanga Stadiumby Kyocera locatedinKameokaexperiencedincreased visitor numbers as well .

On August23rd,lastyear,Kyotoprefecturalandcitygovernmentsjointlyannouncedatourismpromotionplanatahigh-levelmeetingheldatKyotoCityHall.Theplanaimedtostimulatetourismindifferentareasoutsideoftypical tourist hotspots.In line with this initiative,tours offeredbybusinessoperatorswereintroducedearlierthismonthunderthecatchphrase”MaruttoKyoto”(GoAroundKyoto).These toursincludeddestinationslikeYamashinaWard,FushimiWard’sDaigodistrict,UkyoWard’sKeihokudistrict,andNantan’sMiyamadistrict.Furthermore,the prefecture is considering inviting influencers toparticipateinthetourswiththegoalofpromotingvariousregionstoencouragevisitorstovisitwiderareas.Ifsuccessful,thisidea may be implemented across all municipalities withintheprefecture.


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