House Passes Bills Targeting Chinese Biotech and CCP Influence

On their first day back from summer recess, House⁢ lawmakers passed a series ‍of China-related‌ bills. Two notable pieces‌ of ‌legislation require the blacklisting of Chinese ⁣biotech firms and funding for ⁢the State Department to coordinate efforts against the Chinese⁤ regime’s‌ malign influence.

Among other priorities, such as passing ⁣spending bills, the House voted⁣ in a bipartisan manner to add a “China Week” ​to the ‍calendar. This widespread support reflects the consensus among Congress that‍ the‍ Chinese communist regime poses a significant national security risk to US values.

The 15 bills, most of which were fast-tracked ⁢with‌ minimal debate and voice votes,⁤ focus on addressing ​two ‌areas: technology and influence. Six bills aim to prevent China from breaching US security through insecure devices or predatory data collection. These include measures‌ targeting Chinese drones, port cranes, and biotech companies‍ collecting⁣ Americans’ genetic data.

Another four bills aim to support⁣ US⁢ global ‌technological ​leadership ⁣by countering Chinese espionage and strengthening export controls. Two additional ‌bills seek to reduce CCP influence both within and outside of the United States.

One bill that passed is called the Countering CCP Drones Act. It‍ aims⁢ to restrict reliance on insecure Communist Chinese⁣ technology in American‌ drone usage.⁤ The bill would‍ require banning ⁤equipment from DJI, a Chinese company that dominates‌ both public safety agencies’ drone usage in America and⁣ about 80% of ⁤its market share.

Another bipartisan bill called BIOSECURE Act prohibits ⁣federal government contracts with financing for not only Chinese but also other​ foreign⁣ adversaries’ biotech firms concerning companies like Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI Group), MGI, ⁣Complete Genomics, WuXi AppTec,⁤ and WuXi Biologics due to concerns over forced data transfers if ordered​ by CCP.

Lawmakers are concerned about China’s dominance ‍in cutting-edge ‌biotechnologies‌ setting ethical standards favoring authoritarian socialist ​values while disadvantaging Western‌ liberal democracies regulating technology differently.​ Therefore they want restrictions ⁤on financing for these firms as well as access restrictions on American data.

The Countering PRC⁣ Malign Influence Fund Authorization Act authorizes $325 million for State Department efforts against CCP’s malign influence defined as advancing an alternative international order bolstering CCP or undermining US ‍national security.


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