Fox Business Reporter Questions KJP on Childhood Poverty Progress

During a White House ⁤press briefing on Thursday, Press Secretary ⁢Karine Jean-Pierre was questioned about childhood poverty. The inquiry came from ⁢a Fox Business reporter who asked why things ⁤aren’t improving ‍in this area.‍ The exchange was captured ‌on video and ‍has since been shared online.

The reporter began by⁣ referencing recent data⁤ that shows an ​increase in childhood poverty rates. He then ⁣asked Jean-Pierre why the situation seems to be getting ⁢worse instead of better. The press secretary responded‌ by acknowledging the seriousness of ⁢the issue‌ and expressing the administration’s commitment to addressing it.

Jean-Pierre highlighted several initiatives aimed at⁤ reducing childhood poverty, including expanded ​access to affordable‍ childcare and ⁢increased funding for nutrition programs. She also emphasized ⁢the importance of investing in⁢ education​ and job training opportunities for parents.

The reporter pressed further, asking why these efforts haven’t led ⁤to significant improvements thus far. Jean-Pierre acknowledged that there ⁣is still ‌work ⁤to ​be done ‍but pointed out that progress ⁣takes⁢ time. She reiterated the administration’s dedication to tackling this issue head-on and assured reporters that they ⁢would continue working towards solutions.

The ⁢video clip of this exchange ⁤has sparked discussion online, with many people weighing in ⁢on both ​sides of the debate. Some argue that more needs to be done to address childhood poverty, while others believe that progress is being made but‌ may not be immediately apparent.

As discussions around childhood poverty continue, it remains ⁢an important topic for policymakers and ‌advocates alike.⁣ The question posed during the press briefing ⁤serves as⁤ a reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by children living in poverty and highlights the need for continued efforts towards finding effective ‍solutions.



  • @whynotride327

    Maybe no Republicans voted for the Rescue Plan because it is/was complete garbage.
    Much like every program that was put in place by a vote of the current VP.
    In the end, everything she says gets back to Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  • @rigil5477

    Respectfully, supporting men is very controversial for Democrats who usually only support single mothers and immigrants. The House Republicans CANNOT check President Biden if he opens SNAP and TANF to BOTH men and women EQUALLY.

  • @rigil5477

    The Child Tax Credit is too on-and-off. The CTC pisses people off.

  • @rigil5477

    Only the president delivers the final policy on SNAP and TANF to the American people.

  • @crockernut

    Reporter (paraphrasing)
    "Statistically, childhood poverty is over double what it was in 2021. Why is it rising with all of the programs, money spent, and laws signed, from this administration allegedly trying to combat it?"

    KJP (paraphrasing)
    "I'm glad you asked. Think first year, as I've said, podium, 40 minutes, American Rescue Plan… See, it's not double, as your highly skewed government figure shows. It's half, because I say it's half. And, record low, expand the child tax credit, again, American Rescue Plan, Republicans bad, not one, think about the time, economic tailspin, bad Republican, poverty, lifted millions, bad-bad-bad Republicans." 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  • @rigil5477

    Social media. Inflation. Biden-flation. Plummeting marriage rates. Austerity. Project 2025. Very scary. We want to know our benefits are SAFE. 🇺🇸

  • @rigil5477

    "$904 billion in non-defense spending in 2024."
    Great news. That means you got the money to completely fund SNAP and TANF for everybody without work requirements, age restrictions, or time limits based on the federal poverty threshold. President Biden has some decisions to make. #WhiteHouse @01:20

  • @rigil5477

    If president has ANY problems with our federal benefits from House Republicans or Senate Republicans then he lets the American people know and we will have the problem fixed within 30 minutes.

  • @rigil5477

    The president DOES NOT have any problems funding and protecting our federal benefits.

  • @rigil5477

    Gen Z and millennials have boycotted marriage because of high debt levels, inflation, and housing costs. For President Biden to have the popular support to bypass House Republicans he MUST have solution that supports MEN.

  • @rigil5477

    I'm not a WM Republican voter but I suspect opening TANF cash welfare to MEN based on a newly calculated federal poverty threshold could pass a House vote. Yes, that's absolutely a game changer.

  • @rigil5477

    Illegal immigrants in NYC got cash welfare debit cards and SNAP food benefits. Again, President Biden should prepare to play nice with the House Republicans.

  • @katrinaisalwayscorrect

    Lmao bs

  • @naztheone2100

    Why do they think the people are dump to believe their continous never ending lies!

  • @naztheone2100

    Blame this blame that but no single answer, and they offer zero solutions.

  • @jerrybeaver4677

    This person can't answer questions

  • @saiyanmgtow

    Childhood poverty doubled he says. We cut childhood poverty in half she says. Both could be true. The first year means nothing if the next 3 undo it.

  • @lchristian1696

    They lie all of the time.

  • @rigil5477

    🛑 Stop. 🛑 Why is the White House only concerned about the Child Tax Credit? To be clear, the CTC is cash welfare ONLY for single mothers and married couples with children. Single fathers and single women DO NOT qualify for the CTC.

    Our federal SNAP food benefits, you know, those benefits that LBJ's Great Society setup, need to be returned immediately without work requirements or age restrictions. You remember, the people who elected President Biden? You remember them? Well. OK. We want our SNAP benefits.

    President Biden should prepare to play nice the House Republicans in the upcoming CR.
    🇺🇸 #Forbes @00:01

  • @janmatthijssen4813

    Glad you bring this up, this actually is one of our greatest achievements! We hope to get much less children soon.

  • @rigil5477

    Has Speaker Mike Johnson said he is willing to put funding SNAP for everybody in the CR? Has Hakeem Jeffries agreed to any concessions on the SAVE Act? Has any congressmen mentioned opening TANF cash welfare to men in the CR? With soaring food inflation, has Congress increased the federal poverty threshold? #Forbes

  • @yellowhairfcf

    She never answered the question and what they did made it worse not better. When are we gonna get off of Republicans fault Republicans fault for almost 4 years it's been Democrats and look at all the money that's been spent just Ukraine alone while not one service person saw that money, illegal immigrants saw benefits. Not one of them was required a Covid shot, but we were told we had to get one or lose our job.. please give me a break. I'm tired of my tax dollars being spent for that woman to stand up there and tell lies like her boss and the VP.

  • @nicholeowens74

    More recreational centers, maybe build more parks with lights on basketball courts, more academics in schools to build a child's credit with low grades, homeless/disabled people with income out living in the streets waiting, bullies at schools that interfere with a students work and teachers sexual engagements, bullies on the workforce from the married boss or co-workers that interferes with a persons financial stability, depressed and needing to get on disability because of money loss and depression. Needing to reach a higher branch but can only make it to the second phase to dispute whether or not the boss is fair for firing you, so you wont have to get on unemployment or disability, which can cause years of mental illness, living from paycheck to paycheck exist mostly in poverty cases, that leads to many other cases

  • @lesleycooke4055

    She’s batting her eyelashes which shows she’s lying!

  • @Joe18-y9p

    Since World War II, the United States economy has performed significantly better on average under the administration of Democratic presidents than Republican presidents.

  • @xpressway2yrskull374

    We know Trump’s debt plan: “Drill baby drill!”

    Dumbocrats: Blame baby blame.

  • @Jessica-jt3nx

    Please someone hold her accountable for her lies.

  • @Smarties-t1b

    That woman is a disgrace

  • @Smarties-t1b

    Why are those reporters Even there it’s shameful and insulting that she doesn’t answer the questions

  • @michaelshelnutt3534

    This administration is exhausting with the lies and spins.

  • @samtcgan068

    GOOD Golly Miss Polly looks like SHE's CRYING because She Cannot Answer that question Honestly, and will 🤨soon be in the Basket labeled "FIRED"🤔

  • @jenniferthompson285

    Such a liar!!!

  • @laurencecyr2992

    Karine has perpetual bad breath due to the fact that she continues to verbalize rectaly.

  • @debbiefournier3692

    He literally said that it increased under this administration and she’s saying they’ve helped that??? Wth. Does she thinks if she says something that makes it true. How do they press people sit there and just say nothing

  • @crystalmcnamer9688

    I love how she always blames republicans but democrats have been in charge for 12 of the last 16 years!!!!!

  • @joe2689

    Why do reporters not push back on her false statements they just move on

  • @hogie9

    If she didnt have Republicans to blame shed have nothing at all

  • @hogie9

    Joe Biden has added at least 3 trillion to the deficit. Shes a liar

  • @kencastaneda9361

    What a joke. This administration works for China

  • @trinabarbaran7058

    Is anyone looking for those 330 thousand immigrant children lost in America?

  • @yunG_aGeyunG_aGe

    Report: why is child poverty higher now than before?
    KJP dodges the question and proceeds to find a way to bash republicans. 🤡

  • @whitehaze259

    Counting the days until KJP is gone

  • @changenow-i9k


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