Lawmaker Raises Concerns about Increasing ‘Hostage Diplomacy’ as China Frees American Citizen

The top Republican on ⁤the Foreign Affairs Committee has highlighted the⁤ increasing trend of “hostage diplomacy” following the release of an⁤ American citizen‍ and pastor who had been detained by the Chinese regime for nearly‍ 20 years. The State Department announced that David Lin, who ​was detained in China in 2006‍ while ​on a missionary trip, has ​returned to the United States. Lin, now 68 years​ old, was‍ sentenced to life​ imprisonment in 2009‌ on charges of contract fraud that Washington claims were ‍wrongful.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) expressed his relief⁢ at⁤ Lin’s ⁤release and referred to it as another example of rising hostage diplomacy by authoritarian regimes around the world. However, he‍ also emphasized that there are still other individuals like Kai Li and Texan Mark Swidan who remain imprisoned by ⁢the ‌Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and called for their immediate release.

This is not an isolated incident, as​ it is ⁣not ​uncommon for the Chinese regime ⁣to⁣ use its judicial system ‌to arrest⁤ or detain foreigners for political ​leverage. The recent release of ‌Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig further exemplifies this tactic ⁤according to a report from the Congressional-Executive Commission⁢ on China‍ (CECC).

Mark Swidan, a Texas businessman⁣ wrongfully detained since 2012, was sentenced to⁢ death with ⁣a two-year⁤ reprieve in 2019 on alleged drug-related charges. Similarly, Kai⁣ Li has been detained since September 2016 and was sentenced to ten ⁢years in prison on espionage ‌charges that his family​ believes are politically motivated.

Various organizations have called attention to these cases and urged action ‍from ⁢the Biden administration. The CECC is scheduled to ‌hold a ​hearing addressing Americans detained in China where​ witnesses will include family members of detainees as well as journalist Peter Humphrey.

The State Department’s travel advisory warns​ U.S. citizens about arbitrary enforcement of local laws in​ mainland China which ⁣can result⁢ in exit bans or wrongful detention. Currently,⁣ more than 200⁣ Americans are under “coercive ‌measures” in China with over 30 facing exit bans according ⁢to advocacy group⁣ Dui Hua Foundation.

Human rights organizations such as Safeguard Defenders have raised⁤ concerns about China’s increasing ⁣use of ⁢exit ⁣bans over recent years targeting various individuals​ including human​ rights defenders, ⁢businesspeople, ⁣officials, and foreigners.

The James⁣ Foley Legacy Foundation expressed hope that Lin’s ⁤release⁣ signifies progress⁣ but emphasized their desire for all Americans wrongfully⁢ detained in China to be‌ reunited with their families soon.


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