Boar’s Head discontinues liverwurst, a former popular sandwich ingredient no longer favored by Americans

Boar’s Head liverwurst, a ​once-beloved deli ⁤meat, is being discontinued due to a listeria outbreak and subsequent product recall. The company has identified the root cause of the contamination as a specific production ‌process used only for liverwurst at their Jarratt facility in Virginia. As a result,⁢ Boar’s Head has made the decision to permanently discontinue liverwurst.

Liverwurst, an emulsified sausage ‍of German origin‌ made from pork liver and other​ organs mixed with spices, has​ fallen out ‍of favor ​in recent years. It was once a popular lunch ingredient ⁤and​ was often sliced into sandwiches​ for a‌ quick ⁣boxed lunch. However, it seems that liverwurst has become increasingly unpopular and hard to find.

In New York City, one foodie outlet reported that liverwurst⁣ is ‌one of the‍ least popular sandwich options⁢ available. The author searched for liverwurst⁢ sandwiches at five different Manhattan delis⁣ this year but found that none of them carried it. Liverwurst seemed oddly old-fashioned even 30 years ago.

Liverwurst enjoyed some popularity during World War ‍II but lost⁢ its appeal when it became rationed at seven​ points per pound.⁣ Despite‌ its⁤ decline in popularity over the years, there are still some‍ who enjoy this unique flavor. One Reddit user expressed‌ their ⁢love for liverwurst sandwiches and questioned why it ​receives so much hate.

while Boar’s Head discontinuing its liverwurst may be disappointing news for⁣ some fans of⁣ this deli meat, ​it reflects the ⁤changing tastes and preferences of ⁤consumers in recent times.


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