Nojima, a Japan Electronics Store Chain, Creates AI President for Employee Utilization

Electronics retail⁢ chain operator Nojima‍ Corp. has announced​ the development of an artificial intelligence (AI) program that acts ‌as an avatar for its president, Hiroshi‌ Nojima. The AI, known as generative AI, has been trained using President Nojima’s books and past remarks. When employees seek⁣ advice from⁤ the ⁢program on their⁣ computers or⁤ smartphones, the‌ AI avatar responds on‌ behalf⁤ of the president.

Nojima Corp. plans to ‌utilize this program for human resource development purposes. The company collaborated with ​Happiness Planet Ltd., a subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd., to develop ‌the AI.​ In addition to President Nojima’s books, ⁢the‌ AI has also been trained‌ using his ⁣lectures and ‌internal bulletins ⁢from the company. This ensures that answers provided by the AI reflect President Nojima’s life philosophy and management principles.

For ⁣instance, if an employee inputs a ‌query about how ⁤to handle a subordinate who made a mistake, the AI will‌ respond with advice such as “It​ is important to pay attention ⁢not only ​to the result but also to the efforts and attempts⁢ in the process.” The response will also include information ⁣about its source.

Initially, around 2,000 executives will have access to this AI program. However, Nojima Corp. plans to eventually make it available for ‍all employees across its⁣ group ⁣companies.

During a press conference, ⁢President Nojima ‌expressed his ⁣belief that passing down ideas can be challenging and stated that he thought it would be beneficial to have a system ​in ‌place that provides answers when employees face difficulties.

This new ‌development by Nojima Corp.⁢ showcases how artificial intelligence is‌ being utilized in various industries for different ⁢purposes such as‍ human resource training and support systems within organizations.


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