Trump suggests creating a ‘Manufacturing Ambassador’ to encourage companies to relocate back to the US

Former President Donald Trump has announced plans to appoint a “manufacturing ambassador” in an effort to attract companies back ⁤to the United States. During a campaign speech in ‌Georgia, Trump stated that ⁤he aims ​to bring⁣ jobs back to America and maximize the ‌impact of his pro-business policies. He contrasted his approach with that of his‌ opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris. At the time of the speech, Trump held a 2 percent lead over Harris​ in Georgia according to RealClearPolitics polls, although nationwide results showed Harris leading by a similar margin.

Trump also ⁢revealed a tax ‌initiative during his speech, proposing the creation of ​special zones on federal land with low taxes and regulations for American producers. These zones would serve⁣ as ideal locations​ for industries‍ relocating from other countries. Additionally, Trump pledged further support for Savannah, Georgia’s port city, promising a project similar to the administration’s efforts in ⁣deepening its port.

In terms of ‌tax​ policy, Trump vowed to reduce the‍ corporate tax rate to 15 percent—what he ​called “the most competitive in the world.”‍ In contrast, Harris has expressed her intention to raise the top​ corporate-tax rate from 21 percent to⁢ 28 percent as part of her plan for ​wealth redistribution.

Trump argued ⁤that such tax hikes would drive businesses away from America and emphasized⁢ that energy production‌ policies detrimental to businesses would also result in companies fleeing. ⁢He criticized current environmental regulations for hindering American businesses’ ability ‌to utilize‍ natural resources and increasing reliance on foreign materials.

The former president reiterated previous promises including imposing tariffs on Mexican-manufactured vehicles and ceasing U.S. steel sales to Japan. He also pledged ‌measures aimed ​at cutting energy costs by half.

Furthermore, Trump addressed auto workers across various states affected by industry decline and assured them of his commitment towards their success. He ⁢expressed concerns about company decisions and government policies contributing significantly towards decimating this sector.

Lastly, Trump mentioned working towards reducing national debt without providing specific details or plans regarding this objective.


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