Zelenskyy Urges UN Security Council to Compel Russia towards Peace

Ukrainian President Volodymyr​ Zelenskyy addressed ‍the U.N. Security Council​ on September 24, stating that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine can ‌only ​be stopped through a forceful ⁤response. Zelenskyy emphasized that Russian ‌President Vladimir Putin has disregarded numerous international ⁣norms and ⁤rules and will not ‌stop on his​ own.⁣ He asserted that Russia ‌can only⁣ be compelled into peace, ⁤which ‌is ‌exactly what is needed.

Zelenskyy made ​these ⁤remarks ahead of his scheduled ⁢address to the entire U.N. General Assembly on September⁣ 25. ⁤He announced plans for a new ⁣peace summit regarding the ⁣ongoing war in Ukraine​ and invited all ⁢principled ‌nations to attend, stating that this⁣ process will lead to a just and lasting peace.

During​ the ⁢Security‌ Council meeting, several​ other members rebuked Russia ⁢for its actions in‌ Ukraine. U.N.⁣ Secretary-General​ António Guterres condemned the Russian annexation of ​Crimea in 2014 and referred to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 as a clear violation of the⁣ U.N. charter.

U.S.‍ Secretary of State Antony Blinken also criticized ​North Korea ⁢and Iran for supplying weapons to Russia, highlighting‌ China’s role as well in providing machine tools and⁢ microelectronics used by Russia to rebuild its war machine.

Blinken stressed that there is an important distinction ‌between countries ​supporting Russia versus those supporting Ukraine, with Russia being​ the aggressor fighting⁣ for conquest while Ukraine fights for survival.

Zelenskyy is ‌scheduled to meet with President Joe Biden on September 26 to present a new “victory plan” aimed ⁣at ending the war ⁤in Ukraine. The plan may include⁢ calls⁢ for Western partners,⁤ including‍ the United⁤ States, to equip Ukrainian forces with ⁣long-range strike capabilities inside Russian territory.

Zelenskyy’s chief of staff confirmed that‍ NATO membership security guarantees are part of ⁢this plan but have been ⁣met with skepticism from⁣ Western allies.

In response to ​criticisms at the ⁢Security ⁢Council⁣ meeting, Russian representative Vasily​ Nebenzya argued that their ‍invasion ​was not unprovoked aggression but rather connected to events following Yanukovych’s ouster in ⁢2014 which he called “a coup‍ instigated by the⁤ West.”

Nebenzya claimed​ that Donbas separatism could have ‍been resolved peacefully through previous agreements but accused post-Yanukovych Ukrainian leadership of sabotaging them and preparing for war with assistance​ from the U.S. and their allies.

The Algerian delegate‍ suggested‍ mediation efforts between Russia and Ukraine‍ while encouraging discussions addressing root causes of conflict while considering both parties’ security concerns.


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