Japan’s watchdog seeks ¥21.76 million fine for Nomura Securities over suspected manipulation of government bond futures market

Japan’s financial⁢ watchdog has ​recommended a fine of ‌¥21.76 million ‍for ⁣Nomura Securities Co. The firm is ⁤accused of manipulating the government bond ⁢futures⁢ market, violating​ the Financial Instruments and⁢ Exchange Law.⁢ The recommendation ​was made by the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission to the Financial Services​ Agency. It is alleged that a manager ⁤in‍ Nomura’s Global Markets division engaged ​in ⁤fraudulent​ activity by causing prices to fluctuate ⁢in order to profit from large orders for long-term government bond futures trading, which were later canceled without ⁤any intention of buying or selling.


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