University of Tokyo Increases Tuition by ¥100,000

The University of‌ Tokyo ⁤has announced its decision to ‍increase annual⁢ tuition⁤ fees by approximately ¥100,000 starting from ‌the next academic year in‍ April 2025.⁤ This ‍marks the first tuition⁤ hike for the prestigious national university in 20 years. The university stated that‍ it is dedicated to continuously seeking financial resources ⁣to enhance the educational environment ⁣for⁢ current and future‌ students. The tuition ⁢fee revision‍ is seen​ as a fundamental improvement measure towards achieving this goal.

Following this move by the University⁣ of ⁣Tokyo, other universities may also consider raising their⁢ tuition fees. Currently, national universities in Japan have a standard annual tuition fee of ¥535,800 as per an education ​ministry ordinance, with an upper limit ⁢of ¥642,960.

Up until now, the University of Tokyo has ⁢maintained its ⁣tuition at the standard level. However, for undergraduate students ⁢entering in April 2025 or later,⁤ the annual tuition will be​ increased to reach the upper limit of⁤ ¥642,960.

In addition to undergraduate programs, there will also be a⁣ raise in tuition fees for ⁤master’s degree programs.​ Starting from April 2029 or later, graduate⁤ students pursuing master’s degrees will pay an annual fee of ¥642,960.⁣ On the other hand, there will be no change in doctoral⁣ program tuitions.

The university anticipates that these planned increases will result in a boost of approximately ¥1.35 billion in annual revenue by March 2029. The additional funds generated from these hikes are intended to ‌strengthen learning support systems and improve both educational ‍and learning environments at the institution.


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