About Us

The Japan Weeknd: A Voice for Freedom, Truth, and Human Rights

At The Japan Weeknd, freedom of the press and human rights are not just ideals—they are our foundation. We are committed to delivering uncensored, independent journalism with a focus on truth, justice, and the global fight for freedom.

Our founder, Noah P., knows firsthand the cost of losing these freedoms. Born in a nation that fell to communism 50 years ago, Noah grew up in a country where human rights were a distant dream, and freedom was crushed under the weight of an oppressive regime. Though born after the war, Noah never experienced the liberty every person deserves—something given by God, but taken by the hands of tyrants.

Witnessing his homeland ravaged by communism’s iron grip, Noah’s spirit was ignited. The suffering and silence endured by his people fueled his resolve to act—to create a platform where the truth could be heard, where the fight for human dignity would not be silenced.

The Japan Weeknd stands as a beacon for those who believe in the power of free speech and human rights. We report on global events with an unflinching commitment to truth, particularly the stories that others may ignore. We shine a light on injustices, knowing that in the face of tyranny, silence is complicity.

Our Outlook: A Future Driven by Truth and Justice

At The Japan Weeknd, our vision goes beyond simply reporting the news. We are driven by the belief that journalism should be a force for change—a platform to challenge power, expose corruption, and give voice to those who are often silenced.

We understand that the world is increasingly interconnected, and the fight for freedom in one country reverberates across the globe. With our sharp focus on Japan and global issues, we aim to provide a comprehensive view of the forces shaping our world—politically, economically, and socially.

Our commitment to human rights and press freedom informs everything we do. We cover stories that others shy away from, investigate injustices, and report with an uncompromising dedication to the facts. We believe in holding power to account, whether that be governments, corporations, or any entity that threatens the rights and freedoms of individuals.

As we grow, we aim to expand our coverage into new areas, creating a broader platform for independent voices and diverse perspectives. Our goal is to be not just a news source, but a champion for the values of freedom, justice, and human dignity.

At The Japan Weeknd, we are shaping a future where the truth prevails, where journalism remains free from influence, and where the fight for human rights is front and center.

Our Story: A United Stand Against Tyranny

The birth of The Japan Weeknd is not just the story of one man, but of a shared vision for freedom and truth. While our founder, Noah P., carries the scars of a life under communist rule, he is not alone in his mission. Alongside him stand a group of extraordinary individuals: Kenichi Fujimoto, Momoko Miyazawa, Shoko Shiraishi, Shuhei Sasada, and Tanjiro Tsuchiya—Noah’s trusted friends and collaborators.

Though these five have never experienced the horrors of communism firsthand, growing up in Japan, one of the most prosperous and free nations in Asia, they have come to understand the insidious threat that authoritarianism poses to democracy worldwide. In the digital age, they have seen the dangers of communism erode the very foundations of freedom, and they could not remain silent.

What makes their contribution even more remarkable is the fact that they expect nothing in return. They have joined Noah in this fight not for fame, power, or financial reward, but out of a genuine belief in the cause. These friends lend their time, their talents, and their voices to The Japan Weeknd, refusing to accept any compensation for their work. Their collaboration is a true act of solidarity, a selfless stand against the oppression that threatens the freedoms Noah and countless others have fought to preserve.

Together, this team brings The Japan Weeknd to life, with news and reporting that shines a light on injustices worldwide. Their commitment reflects a powerful resistance to tyranny, a recognition that the fight for human rights and free press transcends borders. Whether they are reporting from the streets of Tokyo or behind their screens, they are united in their belief that truth must prevail.

This is not just The Japan Weeknd’s story—it is our story, the story of individuals standing up for freedom, justice, and human dignity in a world where these values are constantly under threat.
