Alleged Attack on Falun Gong Practitioners by Asian Man at Brooklyn Parade

An Asian man attacked two female Falun Gong practitioners during a parade for ⁣the Chinese Mid⁢ Autumn Festival holiday in Brooklyn’s Chinatown neighborhood on Sept. 14, according to witnesses.

The parade was organized by the Global Service Center⁤ for ‍Quitting the CCP, a New York-based organization that helps ​Chinese people renounce their ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Since its launch in late 2004, the group’s volunteers around the world and in mainland China have helped more than 435 ⁢million Chinese ‍people quit the CCP.

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual meditation practice that teaches truth, compassion, and tolerance. The CCP launched an operation⁣ to⁣ “eradicate” Falun Gong in 1999⁣ when official estimates⁢ put the number of practitioners in China at 70‌ million to 100 million.

The CCP ‍continues to target Falun Gong for persecution both within China and overseas. The Epoch Times has documented several similar‌ attacks on Falun Gong practitioners by ⁣pro-CCP assailants. However, this incident on Sept. 14 is the first documented attack of its kind in⁢ Brooklyn.

The ⁣attacker rushed from the sidewalk into the ‍street where Falun Gong practitioners were participating in the Mid Autumn Parade around 12:45 p.m. He spat on one woman holding a banner before another practitioner wearing a crossing guard vest intervened.

Wang Lirong, a parade coordinator and victim‍ of this attack saw it unfold before her eyes as she was punched multiple times from⁢ behind by this man ⁣who had moved towards her after attacking another practitioner earlier.

Wang​ managed to take out her ⁣phone to photograph him but he fled into a nearby bank before she could⁢ capture his ‍image.‌ She believes that this act should be considered a hate crime instilled by hatred against Falun Gong propagated ⁣by CCP indoctrination.

In another incident last year in ⁣Flushing neighborhood of Queens an individual named Qi Zhongping was arrested for assaulting David Fang who was sitting at an information booth about Falun Gong when Qi attacked him after harassing female practitioners over many years ‌making false accusations about them while ⁤they tried raising‍ awareness about their practice and⁤ persecution campaign against them led by CCP authorities since late nineties which includes⁤ abduction , illegal detention , forced⁤ labor , torture even live organ harvesting .

Similarly Zheng Buqiu was arrested last year charged with​ hate crimes after attacking people raising awareness ⁢about persecution of falung gong at two ‍booths . Locals ⁤have reported regular harassment incidents involving pro-CCP activists targeting falung gong practioners since atleast past decade .

Martha‍ Flores-Vazquez state Assembly district leader for Flushing said it took long time getting protection needed although falung dafa community alerted Americans early on . She said exposure of ccp infiltration into government agencies ⁣has created heightened awareness action should follow .


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