Bonsai Thefts Surge Across Japan; 60 Potted Bonsai Stolen in Shikoku

In a recent⁣ incident, it has come to light that a total of ⁣60 potted bonsai were ‍stolen from the gardens⁣ of ‍two⁢ bonsai growers in Takamatsu, Kagawa‍ Prefecture. The theft has prompted an‍ investigation by the ‍prefectural police. Takamatsu is renowned ‌for its pine‍ tree⁣ bonsai.

One of the garden owners, who lost 36 pine ⁢tree bonsai⁣ to theft, revealed that these‍ trees were approximately⁣ 20 years old and valued at around ¥20,000 ⁢each. Expressing his dismay, he stated, “Bonsai⁢ thefts have ‌been reported in other regions like‍ Kanto ⁢and​ Kyushu. Unfortunately, ‍it has now reached our area.” Another owner⁣ shared that the stolen trees held sentimental value ‍as they had been passed ⁢down through generations ‍and ​were estimated to be worth ¥2 million.⁣ He expressed his anger towards the⁤ thief ⁤saying, “I cannot forgive them‍ for taking away ‍something I had been caring for.”

This incident ⁢is part ⁤of a larger ⁢trend of bonsai ⁣thefts⁣ occurring across ⁣Japan recently. Saitama, Kanagawa, and ​Aichi prefectures have also reported ‍similar incidents. ⁢In response to this growing issue, ⁤the⁢ Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries⁤ Ministry⁤ has urged bonsai growers to⁣ implement⁤ measures for‌ preventing ​theft.

Theft prevention measures ⁢are crucial in safeguarding ‍these valuable cultural treasures from being illegally taken away from⁤ their rightful owners. As investigations ⁢continue into​ this case in Takamatsu⁢ and efforts are⁤ made nationwide‌ to combat this problem effectively, it remains important for all bonsai enthusiasts to remain⁣ vigilant and take necessary precautions ‍against such unfortunate incidents.


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