Britain to return Chagos Islands to Mauritius, resolving long-standing dispute

The UK‌ has agreed to ⁢transfer control‌ of the⁣ Chagos Islands to Mauritius, putting an end to a long-standing⁢ dispute​ over ⁢Britain’s ‌last African colony. This agreement will allow the Chagossians, who were forcibly expelled⁢ from their homes in the 1960s and ​1970s, to have the right of return.⁣ However, there is ​an exception ⁣for Diego Garcia, which houses a joint UK-US military base and will remain under ‌UK control. The plans for this base were the reason why the Chagos Islands were separated from⁤ Mauritius in 1968 and ⁢why up to 2,000‍ people were ⁤displaced.

The reaction from ⁤Chagossians has ‍been mixed. While some are happy‍ that sovereignty has been handed over to Mauritius, others are not pleased with this outcome. Olivier Bancoult, chair of the Chagos Refugee Group and someone who was deported as a child, welcomed the agreement as a significant milestone in ‌their‍ long struggle​ for justice.

It remains unclear how many Chagossians would like ⁢to ​return to the islands since many of them ⁤are​ uninhabitable. Although those born on Diego Garcia cannot go back, Bancoult expressed hope that they could be prioritized⁤ for job opportunities there.

Negotiations between the UK and Mauritius began in 2022 ​after years of defying‌ court rulings and UN resolutions calling for the return of the islands. ‌The agreement is subject to‌ a treaty that both parties aim to conclude ‍as soon ⁤as possible.

While some have praised this development as addressing ⁢past wrongs and promoting peaceful outcomes despite historical challenges, others have criticized it for excluding meaningful consultation with Chagossians and failing⁣ to guarantee their rights ⁢or ⁢provide reparations.

The future security ⁤of Diego Garcia is further ⁤complicated by more⁣ than 60 Tamil refugees ⁢who ⁣have been stranded on⁢ the island for⁣ three years while attempting to reach Canada from India‍ by boat. A ruling on whether they⁣ have been ⁢unlawfully detained is expected soon.

this agreement marks an‌ important ‍step towards resolving a contentious issue but raises ⁣concerns ⁤about ongoing ⁤injustices faced by affected communities.


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