CDPJ Head Izumi Announces Reelection Bid and Plans to Collaborate with Opposition Parties

Kenta Izumi, the leader of the Constitutional⁤ Democratic Party of Japan, has announced his intention to run for re-election in the upcoming leadership ⁣election. The official ⁤announcement for the election will be made on Saturday, with voting scheduled to take place on September 23. ‍Izumi will be joining two other candidates who have⁢ already⁤ declared their bids: former party ‌leader Yukio Edano and former Prime Minister Yoshiko Noda.

During a ⁣press‍ conference ⁢held ⁣at ⁢the party’s headquarters, Izumi stated that his party aims to change⁤ the government in the next general election and that he will lead them towards that goal. ⁣When asked about a ‍potential united front among opposition parties in⁤ the House of Representatives election, he ⁢expressed his⁤ willingness to seek such an alliance but emphasized that he would ⁢carefully assess the situation. He also mentioned his desire to examine whether the CDPJ could come into power alone‌ or as part of a coalition government while striving‌ to win more seats than the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

Izumi faced challenges in gaining enough support for his⁢ candidacy as some ​members within‌ his own group backed other candidates. This led him to announce his bid just one day before the official announcement‍ of the‌ election.

Having been elected⁤ eight times from Kyoto Constituency No. 3, Izumi has a strong base of support within his party. He previously ​served ⁣as parliamentary vice-minister of cabinet office when the ‍Democratic Party of Japan ‌was in power.

Izumi took over as head of CDPJ in November ‍2021 following⁣ their significant loss ​in House ​of Representatives elections. Although they also experienced setbacks in House of Councillors elections last year, under⁢ Izumi’s‌ leadership, they achieved victories in three House by-elections this April.


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