China’s Vessel Collision with Philippines in South China Sea Sparks Global Backlash

China’s​ communist regime is facing international criticism after a Philippine fisheries vessel was damaged near a ⁤disputed South‌ China Sea shoal. The incident occurred on August 25 when ​the Philippine vessel, operated by Manila’s Bureau of Fisheries​ and Aquatic Resources, was on a resupply mission. According to the National Task Force‍ for the West​ Philippine Sea, the vessel had to prematurely end its mission due to engine failure caused by being⁣ rammed ​and shot ⁤with​ water⁣ cannons by ‍Chinese Coast Guard ships.

The European Union’s ambassador to the ⁤Philippines, ‌Luc Veron, described China’s naval maneuvers ⁣as “dangerous” and “disturbing.” He emphasized that respect for international law, including UNCLOS (U.N. Convention on ⁣the Law of the ​Sea), is crucial in the⁢ South⁢ China Sea.

In 2016, The Hague’s Permanent Court of Arbitration rejected Beijing’s claim to about 85 percent ⁣of the South China Sea based on its “nine-dash line.” The court ruled that these territorial claims⁤ were inconsistent ⁤with UNCLOS.

Australia, Japan, New Zealand,⁢ the United States, and​ UK have also expressed concerns over China’s actions in the region. Australia’s ambassador to the Philippines​ stated that they share concerns⁤ about dangerous and aggressive actions by China in ⁤Sabina Shoal. He emphasized ​that‍ disputes must be resolved ‌peacefully according to international law.

Japan’s ‌ambassador called ‌this latest ⁢incident an “unacceptable development” and stressed that any harassment or actions increasing tensions are not tolerated. He highlighted upholding a rules-based international order as essential.

This recent collision between vessels is not an isolated​ event; there was ⁢another collision near Sabina Shoal earlier ‍this month which drew⁣ condemnation from around ‌the world.

Philippine Defense Minister Gilberto Teodoro labeled China’s actions as “patently illegal” following this collision near Sabina⁣ Shoal. He acknowledged that ⁤such​ behavior‌ should be expected from China​ but‌ emphasized deterrence against armed attacks as a priority before considering treaty obligations between Washington and ⁤Manila ‌under their mutual defense treaty.

Philippine House ⁢Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez condemned these reckless ‌maneuvers by China Coast Guard on their vessels within their exclusive economic⁢ zone under UNCLOS jurisdiction. The National Maritime Council expressed concern over China’s commitment to de-escalation efforts in creating an environment for dialogue and urged ​Beijing ⁣to⁢ return to constructive dialogue regarding South China ‍Sea ‍matters.

It remains uncertain how this situation will ⁣develop further as tensions continue between ​these two nations in one of Asia’s most contentious regions.


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