Chinese Dissident Arrested and Charged by DOJ for Spying for Beijing

A Chinese dissident residing⁢ in New‌ York ⁤City has been charged by⁣ the Department of Justice (DOJ)​ for allegedly⁢ acting as a spy for the Chinese ​regime’s intelligence agency. Tang Yuanjun, a 67-year-old naturalized U.S. citizen, was arrested in Queens on August 21 on charges of “acting and conspiring to act in the United States ⁢as an unregistered ⁢agent of ⁣the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and making materially false statements⁤ to the FBI.”

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams for ​the⁤ Southern District of New ⁢York stated that Tang used his position as a leader among ⁤pro-democracy activists in the U.S. to collect information for the Chinese government and report on individuals critical of the PRC and events supporting democracy.

FBI special agent ⁢Joshua Ray Willis revealed⁤ that Tang had been working as a Chinese ⁢agent since 2018, ‍completing tasks⁤ directed by China’s top intelligence⁤ agency, Ministry of State Security (MSS). Willis explained that ⁢Tang was initially⁣ searching for a way to ⁣visit family in mainland⁢ China when he was recruited by MSS.

Tang had previously participated in⁤ pro-democracy protests in mainland China during 1989, which made him a target for CCP⁤ authorities who severely punished prominent activists at that time.

After defecting to Taiwan in 2002 and being granted political⁤ asylum in‌ the United States, Tang continued his anti-CCP activities. In 2018, an acquaintance introduced⁣ him to an MSS‍ officer ‍through‍ a password-protected email account. From then on,​ Tang communicated ‌with this officer⁤ through various means such as draft emails, phone calls, video calls, audio messages, and text messages.

Willis revealed ⁤that Tang⁣ collected information on Chinese dissidents, pro-democracy events ​in the U.S., and immigration lawyers based there. He also set up group chats involving around 140 ‍people including ⁤confirmed dissidents and MSS officers.

The FBI discovered evidence indicating payments made by MSS to‌ both Tang and his family members residing in mainland China. They also ​found‌ instructions from MSS along with photographs, ⁢videos, and documents collected or ‌created by Tang for transmission to the Chinese intelligence​ agency.

Christie Curtis from FBI New York ​emphasized how harmful such ​behavior is​ not ‌just illegal⁤ but also detrimental to U.S. sovereignty. This case highlights CCP’s ongoing efforts to infiltrate American society while⁤ controlling overseas diaspora​ communities and silencing dissidents abroad.

The FBI‌ has repeatedly warned about grave threats posed ⁢by‍ Chinese espionage efforts against America’s national security interests.⁤ In fact,”every twelve hours or so,” they open new cases related ⁤to Chinese espionage according⁣ to FBI Director Christopher Wray’s speech⁤ delivered last year.

Tang’s ⁢involvement with Tiananmen‌ Square ​protests led him into trouble back then when he received a prison sentence ​lasting twenty years due his participation ‍during those‍ demonstrations ‍supporting ​students involved ⁣hunger strikes ⁤against Beijing regime policies.


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