Chinese Navy Survey Ship Enters Japanese Territorial Waters near Kuchinoerabu Island in Kagoshima Prefecture

A Chinese Navy⁣ survey ship, belonging to the Shupang-class,⁤ entered Japanese territorial waters near Kuchinoerabu Island in Kagoshima Prefecture at approximately 6 a.m. on Saturday. The ship remained there for​ nearly two hours before leaving. This incident marks the⁢ 13th time that Chinese Navy ⁣ships have intruded⁤ into Japanese territorial waters since September of last year. In response, the Maritime Self-Defense Force dispatched⁤ ships and aircraft for warning and surveillance​ purposes.

Under the U.N. ‌Convention on the Law of⁣ the Sea, ⁣all ships, including warships, are granted ⁤innocent passage rights. This means that they are allowed to pass through other⁤ nations’ territorial ⁤waters as long as they do not pose a threat to coastal countries’ safety. However, conducting maritime surveys is⁢ not considered innocent passage.

The Defense Ministry confirmed that the Chinese survey ship did ⁣not engage in any unusual activities during ​its intrusion ‍and later exited Japanese territorial waters‌ from Yakushima Island in Kagoshima ‌Prefecture before heading south.

This incident follows another breach of Japan’s sovereignty when‌ a Chinese military ⁣intelligence-gathering plane entered Japanese airspace near the Danjo‌ Islands in Nagasaki ​Prefecture‌ on August 26th.

In response to these actions by China’s military forces, Hiroyuki Namazu, director general of ​Japan’s Foreign Ministry’s Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau expressed strong​ concern⁣ and ‍lodged a ⁣protest with Shi Yong, ‌minister of the Chinese Embassy in Japan. Namazu emphasized ⁢that Japan has serious‌ concerns regarding China’s‍ military activities.

These repeated intrusions into Japanese territory by Chinese naval vessels ​raise tensions between ‍both countries and highlight‍ ongoing disputes over maritime boundaries in East Asia.


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