Chinese Writer’s Search for Asylum: A Family’s Journey

At Taiwan’s Taoyuan International Airport,‌ a Chinese author, her husband, and their 5-year-old son anxiously huddled together, seeking safety ‍from the ​nightmare they had been living since leaving ‍China on July ⁢22. This was their third attempt at finding protection after being unsuccessful⁣ in ‍Thailand and ⁢Singapore.

Deng Liting, known by her‍ pen name Mo Lu, spoke to The Epoch Times from an undisclosed‌ location ⁣in Southeast Asia⁢ on Aug. 22. She expressed her desire for a normal life free from⁢ fear and where human rights are respected.

As a Chinese author who dared ​to speak out against the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist ⁤Party (CCP), Deng’s life had⁤ become a target. Her ​fight for freedom not only meant ensuring her physical safety but⁤ also preserving her‌ creative freedom.

It all⁤ started when Deng posted⁢ an online ⁢message about presenting white flowers to the square as a memorial for‌ the Tiananmen Square massacre. This drew the⁣ attention of Chinese authorities who tracked her down to a⁢ hotel in Chongqing on June 4.

During the brutal ‍interrogation that ​followed, Deng stood firm despite⁢ relentless ‌threats and demands. ‌Eventually, she and her⁣ son were released but not without lasting trauma.

Realizing that staying in China was no longer safe, ⁣Deng and her family embarked on a perilous journey through Thailand and Singapore before finally reaching Taiwan. However, even abroad, they faced threats from Chinese national security officials who contacted them warning ⁢of dire consequences if she didn’t turn⁤ herself in.

Due to Taiwan’s lack of formal refugee laws, Deng had to go into hiding again in Southeast Asia with concerns about possible deportation due to CCP influence in the region.

Throughout ​this ordeal, Deng​ found solace ‍in writing as it allowed ⁤her to express herself freely and share what she had learned about China’s dark realities under CCP rule. Her novel ⁣”A World Without Souls” reflects ‌these harsh⁤ truths while offering hope for redemption amidst turmoil.

Despite facing​ immense challenges ⁢and uncertainty about their future, Deng remains ⁤steadfast in pursuing truth and freedom while drawing ⁣strength from her Christian faith which has guided her ‍through difficult times.

Deng’s ultimate goal is to find a safe haven where she can continue writing unique novels that capture her​ perspective without fear or constraints imposed ⁤by authorities.


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