Contact Us

At The Japan Weeknd, we value open communication with our readers, collaborators, and supporters. Whether you have feedback, inquiries, or suggestions, we’re here to listen. Reach out to us through the options below, and we’ll do our best to respond promptly.

General Inquiries

For any questions, feedback, or comments about The Japan Weeknd, we’re here to help. Whether you’re a reader looking for more information about our articles, a potential collaborator, or simply someone who wants to know more about our mission, we welcome your inquiries.

Feel free to reach out to us if:

  • You have questions about our content or coverage areas
  • You’d like more information about our mission and work
  • You’re experiencing any issues with accessing or navigating our website
  • You want to share your thoughts or suggestions for improving The Japan Weeknd

Please email your general inquiries to:
[email protected]

We aim to respond to all general inquiries within 48 hours. Your feedback is valuable to us as we strive to deliver the best possible experience for our readers and supporters.

News Tips and Story Ideas

At The Japan Weeknd, we are dedicated to uncovering the truth and sharing stories that matter. If you have a news tip or story idea, we want to hear from you. Whether it’s a local issue, an overlooked international event, or a human rights violation, your insights can help us bring these stories to light.

We are particularly interested in tips related to:

  • Political and economic developments in Japan
  • Human rights violations and press freedom issues globally
  • International news, including significant events in the U.S., China, and beyond
  • Investigative leads that other media outlets may have missed

To submit a tip or story idea, email us at:
[email protected]

When submitting a tip, please include as much detail as possible:

  • A brief description of the issue or story
  • Relevant dates, locations, and any supporting documents or links
  • Your contact information (if you wish to be contacted for further clarification)
  • Whether you wish to remain anonymous

We take confidentiality seriously. If your story involves sensitive information, we recommend using secure communication methods to ensure your safety and privacy. Rest assured, we handle all submissions with the utmost discretion.

Thank you for helping us uphold the values of truth, freedom, and independent journalism.

Partnerships & Collaborations

At The Japan Weeknd, we believe that meaningful partnerships and collaborations can amplify the impact of independent journalism and the fight for human rights and freedom. We are always open to working with like-minded individuals, organizations, and media outlets who share our mission to promote truth, justice, and democracy.

We are interested in partnerships that include:

  • Content Collaborations: Work with us to co-produce in-depth articles, investigative reports, or multimedia content that highlights pressing issues related to Japan, global politics, and human rights.
  • Nonprofit and Advocacy Groups: We seek to collaborate with organizations focused on human rights, press freedom, and advocacy work, aiming to expand the reach of important stories and campaigns.
  • Media Partnerships: Engage with us for joint media initiatives, news syndication, or cross-platform collaborations that align with our mission to provide unbiased, independent reporting.
  • Event Sponsorship and Co-hosting: If you’re interested in hosting or sponsoring events, webinars, or forums that discuss key issues in journalism, human rights, or international affairs, we’d love to explore opportunities together.
  • Corporate and Institutional Support: We are open to ethical partnerships with businesses and institutions that align with our values, helping us expand our reach while maintaining our independence and integrity.

To discuss potential partnerships or collaborations, please email us at:
[email protected]

In your email, kindly provide the following details:

  • A brief description of your organization or media outlet
  • The nature of the partnership or collaboration you’re proposing
  • Any relevant links or references
  • Contact details of the person responsible for partnership discussions

We look forward to building strong, impactful relationships with partners who believe in the power of independent journalism and the defense of human rights.

Media Inquiries

For press or media inquiries with The Japan Weeknd, please reach out to our media team.

To ensure a timely response, please include the following information in your request:

  • Your full name and contact details
  • Name of your media organization or publication
  • Purpose and nature of your inquiry (interview, comment, feature, etc.)
  • Relevant deadlines or timeframes
  • Specific topics or questions you would like us to address

We strive to respond to all media inquiries within 24-48 hours.

For urgent requests, please indicate “URGENT” in the subject line of your email.

[email protected]

Contact Form

Not sure which email to use? No problem! Simply fill out the contact form below, and we’ll direct your message to the appropriate team. Whether you have a question, suggestion, or just want to get in touch, this is the easiest way to reach us.

We’ll do our best to respond as quickly as possible. Your voice is important to us!

Contact Form #1

Support Us

At The Japan Weeknd, we are committed to delivering independent, unbiased journalism that upholds the values of freedom, human rights, and truth. We believe in reporting stories that matter, free from the influence of governments, corporations, or political agendas. As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the support of our readers and contributors to sustain our mission.

By supporting us, you help:

  • Protect Independent Journalism: Your contribution allows us to remain free from corporate or political pressure, ensuring that the news we provide is honest and transparent.
  • Expose Injustice and Defend Human Rights: With your help, we can continue to uncover stories about political oppression, human rights violations, and threats to freedom—stories that often go unreported.
  • Expand Our Reach: Your support enables us to grow and cover more issues, bringing critical news from Japan, the U.S., and around the world to a broader audience.

There are several ways you can support The Japan Weeknd:

  • Make a Donation: Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference. You can make a one-time donation or become a recurring supporter. All donations are tax-deductible in the U.S.
  • Spread the Word: If you believe in our mission, share our articles and stories with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people we reach, the stronger our impact.
  • Join Our Community: Stay connected with us by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on social media, or volunteering your time to help amplify our cause.

To support us, visit our Support Page or email us at: [email protected]

Thank you for standing with us in the fight for truth, freedom, and justice.
