Continued High Temperatures Expected in Japan Until Thursday

People in Tokyo are ‌finding ​ways to beat ⁣the heat​ as ⁤temperatures continue to rise. The influence of high atmospheric pressure has caused a ⁣widespread increase in temperatures ⁢across Japan. On Friday, 69 ‌out of 914⁣ locations ‍recorded⁢ maximum temperatures of 35 degrees Celsius or higher. Dazaifu in Fukuoka Prefecture reached‍ a ⁣scorching 37.1 degrees Celsius, ‍while central ⁢Tokyo experienced ​a temperature of 33.9 degrees‌ Celsius.

The intense‍ heat is expected to persist ​until around ​Thursday, making it difficult for people to find relief from the late-summer heatwave. To combat the soaring temperatures, many individuals have resorted to cooling off in‌ mist sprayers.

This extreme weather condition is a result of high atmospheric pressure affecting both western and eastern parts of Japan. ‍As a result, residents are advised to take precautions and stay ‌hydrated during this period.

The‍ blistering late-summer heat​ has ​made it‌ challenging for people ​across⁤ the ⁣country ⁤to go about their ⁢daily activities comfortably. It ⁢is crucial for⁢ individuals to prioritize their health and well-being by staying cool and avoiding prolonged exposure to⁤ the sun.

As the⁢ severe heatwave continues, it is important ‌for ​everyone to ​remain vigilant and take necessary measures to stay safe during this period of ⁢intense weather ⁣conditions.


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