Cooperation Among Opposition Parties Highlighted in CDJP Race; Debate Exposes Differences Among Four Candidates

The leadership election for the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDPJ) ⁤is set to ​provide candidates with an opportunity to‍ outline their⁤ plans for‌ a change of ​government​ and ⁣present their vision for‍ the nation. With expectations of an early dissolution of the House of Representatives and a general election, ‌the focus in the CDPJ leadership race will be on how to collaborate with other opposition parties, including the Japan​ Communist Party (JCP). However, during⁣ a debate among four candidates at ⁤the Japan National Press​ Club,‌ differing opinions emerged on this issue.

Former Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda emphasized the importance of bringing opposition parties together. He ⁤stated that he would maintain‍ an environment conducive to dialogue with ⁤any opposition party. Noda’s campaign is supported by​ a group close to him and lower house ‍member Ichiro Ozawa. Despite their past disagreement over a consumption tax hike, rising expectations for a‍ change in government ⁣have brought them back ⁢together.

A⁤ survey conducted by Yomiuri Shimbun⁢ in May revealed that respondents were divided ⁢between​ wanting ‌a continuation of the ruling ⁤Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)-led government or replacing it with one led by opposition parties after the ‍next‍ lower house election. Noda sees this as an ​opportunity ⁢for a new ​government‍ and​ has decided to work with Ozawa.

However, there are differences in their approach.‌ While Ozawa is⁢ prepared to collaborate ‌with JCP, Noda ‍rejected forming a ​coalition with them. He believes it is crucial first to establish good relations with other parties like Democratic Party for the People (DPFP) and gain support from moderate conservatives before having a chance at ‌coming into power.

Former CDPJ leader⁢ Yukio Edano’s ​major support base comes ⁣from Sanctuary, ⁤which has strong​ left-wing leanings within the party.⁣ Following criticism over his agreement with JCP during his leadership tenure after 2021 lower house elections, Edano expressed regret during Saturday’s debate about being seen as reliant on other parties’‍ help due to weakness within his own party.

Current party leader Kenta Izumi opposes forming a coalition⁢ with‍ JCP but expects cooperation from DPFP ⁢instead. On working with Nippon Ishin (Japan Innovation ⁣Party), Izumi finds it⁣ challenging due to its close watch on both ‍CDPJ and LDP.

Lower house member​ Harumi Yoshida believes that CDPJ should form its⁢ own cabinet if they come into power but stressed presenting this framework ‌beforehand if⁤ they form any⁤ coalition government.

While ‍all four candidates expect DPFP ‌as potential cooperation partners, DPFP leader ‌Yuichiro Tamaki emphasized that‌ agreement on basic⁣ policies would be ⁤necessary as a major ⁢premise for​ collaboration.

As candidates expressed intentions to review their party’s relationship with JCP, JCP increased its opposition‌ towards CDPJ stating lack of sincerity or​ respect⁣ regardless of who becomes head.


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