CRFB Analysis: Harris and Trump Proposals Increase National Debt by Trillions

Public policies proposed by Vice President Kamala Harris ‍and former President Donald Trump would ​add trillions of dollars‍ to the national ‌debt, ‍according ‌to the Committee ​for a⁣ Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB).

The budget ⁤watchdog analyzed the fiscal impacts behind the presidential candidates’ proposals, relying on a blend of campaign‌ and candidate statements, previous​ budget outlooks, social ⁣media posts, and ​other wide-ranging reports.

Under ‌a central estimate, Harris’s policies could raise the national debt by $3.5 trillion over⁤ the next decade, including $500 billion in interest ⁢charges.

Harris’s two top policy proposals are extending ⁤the ​Tax ​Cuts and jobs Act (TCJA) ⁢for households ‍earning less than $400,000 and expanding ⁤the Child Tax Credit and⁣ Earned Income Tax Credit. Both⁢ are projected to reduce revenues ‍by ​$3 trillion ⁤and $1.4 trillion respectively.

Harris ⁤has suggested offsetting the projected revenue decline by raising the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent and increasing⁤ taxes on capital income. These​ could generate tax ‌receipts of ‌$900 billion and⁣ $850 billion respectively over 10 years.

By comparison, Trump’s plans could⁣ increase the debt by $7.5 trillion‌ including⁢ $1 trillion in interest costs⁣ through‍ fiscal year 2035.

Trump has three⁢ policies‍ that could ‍have a $1 trillion-plus impact on revenues. These include extension and modification of Trump-era‌ tax⁤ cuts ($5.35 trillion), exemption of overtime income from ⁢taxes ($2 trillion), elimination of taxes on Social Security benefits ($1.3⁢ trillion).

The ex-president⁤ also proposed establishing ‍universal‌ across-the-board‍ tariffs that‌ could bring in an ⁤estimated $2.7 trillion. In addition, he recommended reversing current energy and environmental policies and expanding ‍oil and gas production ⁣which could boost revenues by $700 billion.

Fiscal effects also vary based on low-estimate projections where Harris’s initiatives would not ⁤add to national debt but⁣ high-cost estimates suggest​ her efforts would⁢ boost⁢ it by up to$8.1trillion.
A low-cost⁢ projection for Trump’s⁣ proposals would increase debt by$1 .45trillion while high-cost estimate totals$15‌ .15trillion.
The CRFB analysis stated that there is “high ⁢degree uncertainty” regarding estimates based on absence vital details candidates’ platforms.
While impact ⁤differs between both campaigns,”neither major candidate running in2024 ‌presidential election⁤ has ⁢put forward plan⁤ address this rising⁢ debt burden,”the watchdog group noted.
Without substantial fiscal changes,”debt will‍ continue swallow greater share economy next decade.”
“Debt ‍would continue grow faster than economy ⁤under ⁣either candidate’s plan ‌most scenarios grow faster higher than under current law,”the CRFB said.
National‌ Debt presently stands at nearly$35 .7trillion ​up roughly$8trillion since⁣ January2021 according Treasury Department data.
In an Oct letter CRFB board ‍members urged ​Harris &Trump address ballooning national ‌debt.”Unfortunately high rising carries significant repercussions all Americans including slower economic growth higher interest rates they wrote.”Rising limits ability⁣ respond unexpected emergencies⁤ like natural disasters pandemics it is national⁤ security threat as ⁣well.”
As nation heads toward November election,budget forecasts have crunched dollars cents how ​much presidential contenders will contribute ballooning deficit
This past summer ‌University⁢ Pennsylvania Penn Wharton Budget Model⁢ projected that Harris campaign’s policy proposals expand primary deficits between$12trillion&$2trillion over next ​decade
Trump campaign’s policy proposals estimated raise primary deficits⁢ between$41and58over‍ next10years
White House hopefuls’proposals also ⁤have different effects broader economy
Although Harris said ‌during ​live stream event with Oprah ​Winfrey Penn ‍Wharton estimates show she stimulate economy group forecasts her policies trim GDPby13percentby2034
“We‍ estimate that Harris ⁤campaign proposals reduce GDP overtime⁢ Kent Smetters Boettner Chair⁢ Professor at ⁣University Pennsylvania Wharton School recently told Epoch​ Times”
Penn Wharton anticipates”GDP‌ increases during part first decade””GDP eventually falls relative current law falling0 .4percentin20342 .lpercentin30years”
In September​ The⁢ Tax Foundation ⁣compared economic fiscal effects Harris ‍&Trump⁤ campaigns Analysts projected deficit grow12.trilllonunder⁢ Trump presidency over next decade Long-run GDP expected tumble02percentwhile long-run wages predicted grow06percent Full-time employment jobs plunge387000 The‌ net effectofHarrispolicieswouldincreasedeficitsbyS15tninthessamespanLongrunGDPandwagesareforecasttofall2%and12%respectivelyFull-timeemploymentjobscouldcrater786000 In June Congressional Budget Office updated10-yearwindowtobudgeteconomicoutlook nonpartisanbudgetwatchdoghighlightedthatcumulativedeficitstotal22tnbringingnationaldebtabove50tnby2034


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