Democrats Divided at Convention on House Win Prospects

Democrats attending the party’s national convention ‍in Chicago are​ divided⁤ on their chances of winning⁢ back control ⁢of ‍the House of Representatives in this year’s election, according to interviews conducted by The Epoch Times‍ and NTD News at the Democratic ⁢National Convention.

Some⁣ Democrats expressed confidence, citing enthusiastic ​youth support as ​a key factor that would help them⁣ in‌ down-ballot congressional races. Health and ⁢Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said, “I feel it’s going to happen. There’s just this animation, this enthusiasm, this growing​ momentum.” He also mentioned that Vice President Kamala Harris’s candidacy would be the “X factor” for ⁣candidates in tough races.

Representative Teresa Leger Fernández echoed ​these sentiments,‍ stating that with Harris and Tim Walz on ⁢top of ​the ticket, they would‍ have better organizing on the ground and more momentum to win back the House. However, ‌not all‍ Democrats share this optimism.

Representative Maxine Waters ‍pointed out​ that some⁢ states have a straight-ticket voting option which could help them regain control of the House. On the other hand, some Democrats⁣ are not confident about⁤ their chances. Representative⁣ Pramila Jayapal emphasized that ​voter turnout would be crucial and acknowledged that it was a ⁣heavy lift⁢ for their party.

The article also highlights‌ concerns about Republicans targeting President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s administration’s ⁣record on the economy as a potential challenge for Democrats.‍ Some Democrats believe they need to focus on non-Democratic voters by emphasizing ‍what they perceive as Trump’s​ danger if he were to⁤ be reelected.

Throughout the ‍convention, Democrats have emphasized ​abortion as their main policy issue to ⁣turn out voters. Party officials vowed to pass legislation ⁢through ‌Congress federally permitting ​abortion even in states where it is ​currently banned if ‍they win reelection.

while some⁣ Democrats express confidence based on youth support and enthusiasm for their candidates ‌like Harris and Walz ⁤at down-ballot races, others are less⁤ optimistic about ⁤regaining control of the House due to challenges such as voter turnout and Republican attacks on economic policies. The party has also ⁣highlighted abortion rights as a key issue‌ during their convention.


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